Guests: Michael Simpson, Daniel Ramsey
Recorded: May 13, 2020
Broker experts, MyOutDesk CEO Daniel Ramsey & The National Commercial Real Estate Association (NCREA) Founder & Senior Instructor Michel Simpson, show you how to stay productive, save your business & effectively transition to a fully remote workplace.
00:00:06:15 – 00:00:24:02
Daniel Ramsey
So appreciate you being here today. Michael is has been generous to share our you know some of our IP, our internal kind of intellectual property with you guys. And we’re going to talk about going remote today. So, Michael, thanks for letting us kind of be on here.
00:00:24:21 – 00:00:32:04
Michael Simpson
Oh, you bet. No, a pleasure. Heard of you guys for years. And it’s nice to have two to have it, so. You bet.
00:00:32:16 – 00:01:00:17
Daniel Ramsey
Yep. So if you’re coming in right now, it looks like we’re getting more and more people jumping in. What I would love you to do, and I really appreciate you guys being here today, is find the chat box and go ahead and tell us that you’re live today and the city that you’re in. And one last thing. So before you jump on and start doing it, we’re asking people for our thrive score.
00:01:00:18 – 00:01:20:23
Daniel Ramsey
Now, let me explain what a thrive score is. A thrive score is. How optimistic are you about our country’s ability to get through this? Your community, your local community and your business. So from a score of one which is horrible, like it’s, you know, we’re never going to make it to a ten. We’re going to come out of this strong.
00:01:21:11 – 00:01:46:07
Daniel Ramsey
Go ahead and just throw in there where you’re at right here, right now. Eric, he’s the winner. He he is live. He’s from San Diego and he’s ten, ten, ten, which is cool, man. Really appreciate that. We’ve got Cedric from Orange County. He’s a seven. Appreciate your honesty with that, Cedric. Really awesome. Melanie from L.A. number eight. She’s been L.A. has been hit hard by this craziness.
00:01:46:07 – 00:01:51:18
Daniel Ramsey
So we got that. Michael’s here. You’re a four, Michael. That right?
00:01:53:03 – 00:01:53:22
Michael Simpson
That’s Sandy.
00:01:54:05 – 00:02:22:13
Daniel Ramsey
Okay. That’s Sandy. All right. Sandy, I hope we’re going to do a better job. Oh, we’ve got somebody from Brazil. I love it. Oscar score of eight. Okay. So you guys keep those going. My name is Daniel Ramsey. I own a company called my Outsource. Here’s our nice banner, and we’re going to talk today about going remote. Michael has been gracious enough to allow us on and kind of interact.
00:02:22:19 – 00:02:42:00
Daniel Ramsey
Today is supposed to be interactive. You kind of see this score. We’ve got Alvin in the background. He’s going to facilitate and kind of help us with this. So we’ll add up that score at the beginning, and then I’ll ask you again at the end to give our score again and see how, if anything is shifted in your optimism.
00:02:42:07 – 00:02:53:23
Daniel Ramsey
And we’ll report that back to you. So we’ll have a score in a couple of minutes after everybody kind of goes through that. But Michael, do you want to just say anything to your folks before we get started?
00:02:55:02 – 00:03:22:14
Michael Simpson
Well, I think, you know, this is a big, scary time, but it’s also an opportunity. And I feel like it’s gotten a lot less scary than it was 30 days ago, 30 days ago. Yes. I’m just saying. Holy shit. Right. It was like. Right. What in the world is going on? What is this? And you know, now we kind of feel like, okay, we’re going to be fine.
00:03:22:14 – 00:03:47:20
Michael Simpson
We’re going to be can be a little rough maybe, but it will be okay. We we’re going to get through this, right? It’s not like how long is this going to go on or are we ever going to get through this? So I see this in honestly, what I what I always do is I look at the opportunities and with this, I see this as, okay, wow, there’s so much money moving around from here to this industry to that industry to.
00:03:48:03 – 00:04:08:01
Michael Simpson
Yeah. So that’s huge opportunities. And, and so I’m actually kind of like, wow, this is exciting. Yeah, I don’t wish any harm and I don’t wanna get sick and I don’t see anybody I love, you know, get hurt or sick or of course, but. So I don’t mean it that way, but I mean, there’s a ton of opportunity coming out of this.
00:04:08:14 – 00:04:34:23
Daniel Ramsey
Yeah, I love that. Hey, Alvin, go ahead. And in the chat post, the that the thing that I emailed over to you, it’s interesting because we’re in California, our business is in Sacramento, California. And our governor just put out like the future of work. And he and there’s an interesting person at Salesforce course. Ah, that’s a company that we use for our CRM and the there’s a chief future officer.
00:04:34:23 – 00:04:57:14
Daniel Ramsey
So if you guys can just look at the chat right there, there’s a really good kind of statement about the future of office and commercial and like what’s going to happen to our to our economy. I’m going to read it for those of us who are joining us via phone versus in camera or at your home or on a smartphone or whatever.
00:04:57:14 – 00:05:22:07
Daniel Ramsey
But here’s here’s what he said. Where do we go from here? A lot of this will stick, but not all of it, says Peter Schwartz, the chief future officer at Salesforce. And a member of Governor Gavin Newsom’s newly formed California’s Future of Work Commission. Swartz is a renowned futurist and has projections for what a good, post-pandemic workplace might look like.
00:05:22:08 – 00:05:38:06
Daniel Ramsey
Here’s this is the part that’s always interesting people who are saying this is what the future looks like, he says. I think it’s going to change the nature of the office. It’s going to be a place where people come together, but not where they do work. The reason people want to go to an office is to be with other people.
00:05:38:06 – 00:06:04:20
Daniel Ramsey
And we’re naturally gregarious animals and informal communication doesn’t happen when working alone via electronic means. So basically this futurist is saying, Hey, look, office space has changed. There’s no doubt about that. He he’s also saying that’s going to affect infrastructure. That’s going to you know, we’re going to see a decrease in consumption from from consumers. So that’s going to affect industrial and warehouse.
00:06:04:20 – 00:06:27:07
Daniel Ramsey
And it’s just every part of the commercial world is going to be affected. And so today’s conversation is like, how do you zig and zag and actually shift to take advantage of of those changes? And to your point, Michael, you know, money is flowing in. You guys might have seen all this money being raised by Wall Street because they’re getting ready to buy distressed assets.
00:06:27:07 – 00:06:33:00
Daniel Ramsey
Right. And so the whole world is about to open up and have a lot of opportunity.
00:06:34:11 – 00:06:58:09
Michael Simpson
Yeah. And it’s going to and it’s going to you know, it’s going to be different. Right. So the office, you know, I was talking about this in my last series, you know, we started doing these series every Thursday at 1:00 and we we’re talking about how the certain product types are going to do really well, in my opinion, like industrial or medical marijuana.
00:06:58:20 – 00:07:22:02
Michael Simpson
Yeah, but money is still there. All that. And in fact, medical marijuana, I believe, was an essential business. Right, right, right. So all that money there and there was all this demand for those product types and you couldn’t find anything. And it’s still it’s still going to be real strong, I believe. And and the distribution side of it is so office is going to be kind of interesting.
00:07:22:02 – 00:07:39:24
Michael Simpson
Like you just said, you know, people are in it like you’re reading there where people are going to probably realize, you know, maybe I don’t need all these employees actually come in, you know, maybe maybe this is okay. Maybe they are more productive. Maybe they are able to, you know, and so I think we’re see a lot of that.
00:07:39:24 – 00:07:59:02
Michael Simpson
And so that’s either they’re going to it’s interesting what they’re saying there is that they still will keep it so people can get together. Right. Huge point. I know that even on my team, we have people who work from home and they’re like, well, you know, it wouldn’t be nice to kind of get together, you know, we’re going to go out and go to a better things like that.
00:07:59:02 – 00:08:22:01
Michael Simpson
So yeah, it should be a should be interesting for sure. But you know, in like retail, if you look at retail, are your tenants, you know, Jim’s sandwich shop well you know that they may not make it back at all. Right. Where right is it? Subway, you know, where they have a corporate guarantee where, you know, they’re backed by all that.
00:08:22:01 – 00:08:35:01
Michael Simpson
So they’re probably going to be okay. So I think even within the retail sector, it’s not just a blanket. You know, this is that’s going to we’re going to be hurt real bad because it may not be. So it should be interesting.
00:08:35:17 – 00:09:00:22
Daniel Ramsey
Well, and I think there’s going to be some that don’t make it and some that do make it. And I think the ones that don’t make it are going to there’s going to be opportunity in that for commercial folks and even residential folks. You know, anytime there’s a down market, I think the saying is you work really hard in a down market and then you, you know, collect as many assets as you possibly can and then you collect in the up market all of your wealth.
00:09:01:05 – 00:09:22:00
Daniel Ramsey
And so I think that’s kind of realistic about what’s going to happen. Guys, if you’re listening right now, are and I’m Michael, I want you to make that point. But our average Thrive score, which is always very cool, is an 8.7. So out of everybody that showed up today, we’re at a B plus area, you know, so that’s pretty good.
00:09:22:11 – 00:09:32:04
Daniel Ramsey
I know when we first started collecting these scores, we were, you know, a bit lower. So, you know, as you were saying, we’re getting back through this. Michael, what were you going to say earlier?
00:09:32:04 – 00:09:59:20
Michael Simpson
Sorry. Your point about work real hard during the downtime or something that you just said. I’ve been through a couple of different shifts and this is my third I started when I was 20, you know, sort of ten. Yeah, 85 each time what I was coached to do and I was so glad that I had coaches and have coaches, was to just work harder, right?
00:09:59:20 – 00:10:20:19
Michael Simpson
So I remember in the nineties coming home, I was on a really regiment schedule at that time and I came home and sat my wife down and my daughter literally sat down and said, you know, Hey, look, I need to go from 2 hours a day, lead generation to three every day. And what that means to you is I’m going to be coming home an hour later and not be around as much.
00:10:20:19 – 00:10:36:09
Michael Simpson
And, you know, I need to do this right now so I can keep making the same amount of money, if not more than what we’ve been making before. So I’m sorry to do this, but Bethany, I know you want my daughter. I know you want that new bike ride, and I know you want that vacation this summer. Oh, that’s okay, Daddy.
00:10:36:14 – 00:10:56:18
Michael Simpson
Yeah. You should stay that extra hour. Yeah. So you you’re going to have to do that. This this next 30 days, 60 days, 90 days. Who knows how long? It’s going to be hard. It’s going to be uphill and uphill. You want to tack that hill and go fast and get that momentum. That’s what you need to do right now, in my opinion.
00:10:56:24 – 00:11:05:22
Michael Simpson
And then as things start to level off, it’ll make it a little easier for you in the long run. So what you said was really spot on. I just wanted to really emphasize that.
00:11:05:22 – 00:11:22:04
Daniel Ramsey
Okay, that’s cool. Yeah, I think one of the things that we’re going to do, not only do you have to work harder, but you might have to work differently. And so today’s conversation is about going remote and we’re going to share some tools and just some tricks and tips, and we’re going to talk about virtual assistants that way.
00:11:22:08 – 00:11:44:08
Daniel Ramsey
That’s what we do. And I’m going to go through a slide deck, guys. The the chat area is for comments and then there’s a Q&A section, too. So we’re monitoring both the question and answers as well as kind of your your thoughts. So if you wanted to weigh in, I know Eric already has. So thank you, Eric. I think that’s really awesome of you.
00:11:44:08 – 00:12:06:07
Daniel Ramsey
You’re he said your mindset has to be a ten, ten, ten. And I think you’re absolutely right. So I appreciate you guys doing that. This is meant to be interactive and questions and answers. We’re going to talk about going remote with my out desk. We’re a real estate virtual assistant company and we’ve served over 5000 clients. I had the pleasure of this is my third kind of downturn.
00:12:06:07 – 00:12:35:17
Daniel Ramsey
Like Michael, I don’t have four on my belt, but I got three, so that’s good. And we grew up in the last downturn. In 2007, I hired my first virtual assistant as a real estate broker. And so we’re going to go through maybe an area that you can add value to your business and get those projects done, like building out your database, building out your marketing campaigns, getting your operational systems all set so that you can focus on more prospecting and getting more deals.
00:12:35:17 – 00:13:08:01
Daniel Ramsey
So we’re going to go through all those things today. And yeah, I just really appreciate you guys for being here. So I’m going to share screens and we are going to rock. That’s what that’s my favorite. We’re going to rock and roll. My kids love that statement. Okay, so here we are. This is my out as we’ve been in the real estate space for gosh, since 2007 and we’ve served over 5000 fact, Michael, we’re at like 5900 and some change with clients that we’ve served over that time frame.
00:13:08:01 – 00:13:35:23
Daniel Ramsey
So really excited and thankful about that. And we’ve basically brought virtual assistance to the real estate world. So that’s something that’s a little bit different about who we are and what we’ve done. I wanted to start off with our first commercial client, this guy, his name is Ken Wimberly. He’s out of Texas. One of the things that he brought to us was the idea that commercial brokers actually had more opportunity than the residential guys.
00:13:35:23 – 00:13:56:18
Daniel Ramsey
And what he has his virtual assistant doing every single day is mining his emails, helping them create the lists of people he’s going to call, organizing all of his operational team, making sure that communication in his calendar is clear. What I love about this story is he said he’s got a 5 to 1 return on his virtual assistance.
00:13:57:01 – 00:14:23:22
Daniel Ramsey
So that’s a for us, that’s a really, really cool number. And it’s also a great testimony from somebody who’s a commercial broker and actually effectively using our virtual assistants. This is our path. And one thing that I want to make sure that we’re talking about is growing business in the home. Without this world. The only way we work together is if we’ve got a very clear path to help people succeed.
00:14:23:22 – 00:14:49:24
Daniel Ramsey
And if you’re looking at the screen right now, you may be in one of these three different sections of your real estate career. You might be in the. I do. It’s you mean, meaning you’re the only one on the team. You’re closing deals, you’re doing transactions. But it’s just you you might also be in the we do it meaning you might have an assistant or marketing professional or maybe somebody that you share in the office as, as a resource to you.
00:14:50:08 – 00:15:11:11
Daniel Ramsey
But the way we do it is really kind of the strength area that’s typically where we come in and help a lot of real estate brokers kind of create those systems and process. Each time you’re going from one section to the next section, there’s a key component. And in that first is the I do it. You can kind of see here at the bottom it’s the initial learning.
00:15:11:11 – 00:15:47:17
Daniel Ramsey
So when you’re in the I do it, you’re learning, how do I sell? Who’s my market? Who’s who are the people that I’m going to generate the most revenue from? And how do I get at them? Like, how do I find them? How do I work with those people? But the thing that moves you from the I do it to the way we do it is that learning that consistent improvement, that consistent, like basically being a member of Michael’s group and just continuing to self develop what moves you to the we do it space is creating systems and process so this is the space where like without a system or a process you really can’t
00:15:47:17 – 00:16:06:15
Daniel Ramsey
have somebody else help you in your real estate career. A great example, you know, and Michael, I’m going to I’m going to stop and we’re going to just chat for just a hot second. But this is what happened for me. And maybe somebody on this call can you guys can understand or be a part of this? I’m on my honeymoon.
00:16:06:15 – 00:16:34:00
Daniel Ramsey
I’m a real estate broker. It’s 2009. I’m on my honeymoon and I’m at the bar at two in the morning and I’m closing a transaction and I’m like typing because I’m we’re in Guatemala, we’re typing and I’m typing a, you know, I’m typing out a contract and I’m negotiating it. In Guatemala, it’s two in the morning, and there was just nobody else that could help me because I’d never built the systems or process inside of my real estate.
00:16:34:00 – 00:16:52:18
Daniel Ramsey
I didn’t have, you know, a licensed assistant. I didn’t have a huge team. It was basically at that time it was me and what happened for me. And you might identify with this Michael or maybe somebody in the audience, but I’m at the bar. The bartender takes my phone, takes a picture of me. I’m angry. It’s two in the morning.
00:16:52:18 – 00:17:16:22
Daniel Ramsey
I’ve got a beautiful bride back in the bungalow. We’re we’re basically in the in the Francis Ford Coppola resort. Right. We’re in the trees and there are monkeys around. And it’s just this beautiful, gorgeous thing. And I what I realized at that moment is if I wanted to stay married, if I wanted to build a business, I needed to have something shift in my life.
00:17:17:17 – 00:17:20:22
Daniel Ramsey
I don’t know. Michael, any thoughts around that?
00:17:21:03 – 00:17:46:04
Michael Simpson
Yeah, well, I can I mean, I could talk for the whole thing on on hiring and delegating, but it’s critical. And I think that people, you know, you want a real estate business and it’s called a business and not a job. Right. It’s a business. And a business means you get to make money while you’re not working and that you shouldn’t have to go on your honeymoon and still have to do all that.
00:17:46:16 – 00:18:06:24
Michael Simpson
That’s a job. And I think what happens a lot of times people have this control like, you know, your usual your typical DE personality style or your salesperson is typically a d i personality style, me control issues. I have control issues. Right, right. Nobody can do it like me. Right, right. It’s not true. Right. People can do it like you.
00:18:06:24 – 00:18:24:02
Michael Simpson
In fact, they can do it better than you. And then it’s like you just said, but it’s 1 to 3 no longer me doing it. It’s somebody else doing it through my process and system and they’re doing it better than I was doing it before. So it’s and I’m not doing anymore. So it’s yeah, I think it’s just control.
00:18:24:06 – 00:18:47:19
Michael Simpson
It’s what is control and too, it’s, it’s not wanting to slow down for me process. I hate processes like I hate typing and writing and putting things together and explaining how to do this and I just do it right. So that’s your issue in a lot of cases is you can’t you if you stop if you don’t stop that, you can’t you can’t duplicate yourself.
00:18:47:19 – 00:19:00:21
Michael Simpson
Or those tasks is easy where if you have processes and systems are in place, if you will document it, then you can duplicate it, right? And so that whole three step thing was awesome. I was really digging that.
00:19:01:05 – 00:19:22:01
Daniel Ramsey
Yeah, we’re going to go back to it real quick. Ed, I love Ed’s comment. He said it’s similar to tech technician, manager and entrepreneur, that model. So I think you’re spot on, Ed, and we’re going back to those slides. One one thing in the we do it when you build the systems and process and you can hand that off.
00:19:22:01 – 00:19:39:10
Daniel Ramsey
One of the things that I like to help our clients with and if you’re listening right now, this is this might be a write it down thing, but there are certain things in a business that only I can do. Like there are things even in this business that only I can do. Michael and I connected for the first time.
00:19:39:10 – 00:19:55:08
Daniel Ramsey
We were able to, you know, kind of get a connection and talk. My employees couldn’t have done that right. But that’s the one thing that I was it’s necessary for me to do. So as an entrepreneur, one of the things that you have to do is you have to say, Hey, what are the things that I love doing?
00:19:55:08 – 00:20:18:09
Daniel Ramsey
And then what are the things that only I can do? And that should actually be the majority of your job, right? So in the in the next section, you’re talking about people vision, casting, vision, explaining where you’re going. And that’s the other job of a leader is just kind of going, hey, this is I’m planting the flag in the future and this is where I want to go.
00:20:18:13 – 00:20:48:10
Daniel Ramsey
And then rallying the troops to come with you. In that process, we we call this the seven figure business roadmap. It’s part of our methodology and helping clients understand how important it is to document your systems and process and lead. And it’s it’s one of our key tenets to determining, like, what am I doing every single day in my world that I should stop doing and give to a virtual assistant and I should start focusing on as an entrepreneur and a leader.
00:20:48:10 – 00:21:15:05
Daniel Ramsey
So the next the next piece, this is actually a really great slide, too, because what we did is we took the today’s business landscape and we broke it down. Most businesses don’t have an understanding of where they fall in these different revenue scenarios. Nine 6% of businesses are below $1,000,000 in revenue. So, I mean, that’s a huge percentage.
00:21:15:05 – 00:21:42:02
Daniel Ramsey
96% of businesses are below nine and $1,000,000 in revenue only. Now, this is the nut. This is nutty. Only 4% of businesses ever actually break that million dollar mark and get to between one in 10 million. And then only point 4% ever get over 10 million and only 17,000 get over 50 million. So if you’re thinking, hey, how hard is it to win in business?
00:21:42:07 – 00:22:09:08
Daniel Ramsey
This gives you some ideas about what the business landscape is in today’s world. One of my favorite things to help people with is we all have our different challenges, and I just shared my experience on my honeymoon. Like Michael said, I’m a control freak. I like to hold on to things and make sure things go exactly the way I do so or I’d like them to go.
00:22:09:14 – 00:22:29:10
Daniel Ramsey
So one of the tenets that we help our clients with is how do you create a process and a system, and how do you really outsource the real estate piece of my business, the stuff that doesn’t necessarily matter but still has to be done. And so I’ve spent the last 13 years on stage on webinars, helping people discover those things.
00:22:29:23 – 00:22:50:19
Daniel Ramsey
One of the cool benefits is that we wrote a book and I don’t know if you guys I don’t know if you can see this, but if you’re looking right now and if you’re with us live at the end of this, I’m going to give this away. And it’s basically all of the tools and tricks that I personally have used to build my out desk and also build a very successful real estate company.
00:22:51:03 – 00:23:31:04
Daniel Ramsey
So 13 years, 5000 clients, we put all that love and good stuff into a book and we’re going to give that away at the end of the this this hour together, a lot of people ask like, why should I outsource? Or What are some of the benefits? And the biggest thing that I can tell you is that if you haven’t yet outsourced or hired a virtual assistant, you’re behind all of the Fortune 500 companies, meaning companies like Kellogg, 80% of their business is out of the U.S., 66% of you at United Technologies, 68%, Whirlpool, 80%.
00:23:31:04 – 00:23:55:07
Daniel Ramsey
So most major corporations have been outsourcing since the seventies and eighties. Most small and medium sized businesses have never had access to talent abroad. And so today we’re we’re basically going to share with you exactly what you can get from folks. And in our case, we’re in the Philippines, but around the world. And what are some of the options for a real estate commercial broker?
00:23:56:11 – 00:24:20:08
Daniel Ramsey
This is what we call the mod gross stack. And you can kind of see and we put this together so that people would have a basic idea and understanding of exactly that. The things that we do for real estate brokers first is administrative. This is my favorite thing. You don’t need to, you know, manage your own calendar. You don’t need to answer your own phone.
00:24:20:08 – 00:24:41:06
Daniel Ramsey
You don’t need to do your own paperwork. You can actually create a system and a process and hand that over. Things like Costar entering listings, getting the right marketing photos, getting vendors to do their part of the transaction. This is all the all these things can be given away to an administrative person as well as a marketing person.
00:24:41:06 – 00:25:07:08
Daniel Ramsey
So the next thing is like, hey, I need fliers. I need to make sure that my website is optimized. I need to make sure that all my social posts are out there. Commercial One of the things about commercial brokers is if you actually had a social media presence and a and like a Google presence and a website that was your own separate from maybe the company that you work with or work for, you’d be ahead of 99% of commercial real estate brokers.
00:25:07:08 – 00:25:29:04
Daniel Ramsey
Most don’t have those things. And so one of the things that we do for our for our clients is actually put together, you know, all of the opportunity that is in the marketing space to create online marketing messages, websites, social media, all the stuff that really can actually give you exposure unlike other commercial real estate, real estate brokers.
00:25:29:19 – 00:26:04:17
Daniel Ramsey
One of my favorite positions next is the inside inside sales team. Now, in the commercial world, you might be gathering data in less Lexus, Nexus or Costar, some of the data providers, but those folks, they need to be called on a regular basis and you need to find out who the decision makers are. My one of my favorite roles here at my desk is just somebody to prospect and somebody to kind of give calls to people and just see what their interest is and possibly, you know, moving to a different space or possibly cashing out.
00:26:04:17 – 00:26:20:16
Daniel Ramsey
This is going to be a weird time frame when a lot of people are going to want to sell, but they’re not quite sure what their value of their property is. So one of the things that you could provide is, hey, we just we’re checking in, want to make sure that if you had an interest, you had a resource to get a valuation for your property.
00:26:20:16 – 00:26:49:09
Daniel Ramsey
Inside sales is one of our favorite roles and then service and support. One of the coolest things is just real estate. Brokers are always out there, always out on their phone, meeting with people. And that doesn’t mean that somebody shouldn’t answer your phone if somebody calls. We have folks who can be on the support side and the administrative side and just be the what I call the director of communication just to make sure everything is flowing.
00:26:49:16 – 00:27:00:16
Daniel Ramsey
I’m going to pause here and just ask that you guys have some questions or answers or this is a good spot to kind of just test where everybody’s at. Michael, how you feeling about all this?
00:27:00:23 – 00:27:27:24
Michael Simpson
Good. Yeah. I think, you know, one of the common challenges people have with inside sales is nobody, you know, some people will say, I can’t, you know, only I can call, right. Because only I know what to say. And I know how to have the in-depth conversation with a commercial client. Yep. To demonstrate my knowledge and expertize. So those people get stuck with that.
00:27:28:11 – 00:27:42:00
Michael Simpson
But explain how you are sharing in training your, you know, your team to hand that off to the commercial agent and not want to be caught up in that.
00:27:42:10 – 00:28:08:07
Daniel Ramsey
Yeah. One of the things one of the things that’s really important and guys, we’re taking questions and your comments are always welcome. Is a piece. The reality is most commercial brokers have a very good referral game, meaning most of their business is coming from referral or their network or somebody that they know and trust. Right. Well, after you nail that, it’s very hard to get beyond that network.
00:28:08:07 – 00:28:40:21
Daniel Ramsey
Right. And it’s hard to really grow in scale. So the next level of that is either recruiting junior brokers to come on your team. Right, and start prospecting for you and with you and that means you have to build lists and you have to have an offer and you have to actually, you know, start building out a whole inbound marketing team in an estate team, somebody that’s following up on on, you know, inquiries of properties that you have as listings, as well as talking to tenants who may possibly want to move, you know, leasing deals.
00:28:40:21 – 00:29:01:04
Daniel Ramsey
Right. So we’re helping brokers understand what where do they drive their business? Like what? You know, what is their primary driver of business? And then what do they need to build or what do they need to do differently in order to get to that next level? Remember that the seven figure business roadmap, we’re like, okay, you’ve got a great referral game, but do you have any outbound marketing?
00:29:01:04 – 00:29:25:10
Daniel Ramsey
Are you currently sending out fliers or mailers? Are you doing anything to really drive inbound calls? And so we walk through what that would look like and what they would have to start doing or stop doing in order to make that transition. Where you go from a, you know, solopreneur to kind of doing your own thing, I do it space to a we do it and you add calling outbound to people.
00:29:27:00 – 00:29:38:01
Michael Simpson
So are you scripting them on the folks who are making the calls and helping them, you know, paths and learn when to just win? Okay, look, let me pass it off. At that point.
00:29:38:01 – 00:30:08:01
Daniel Ramsey
No, man, that’s why we partner with people like you. And I mean, to be frank, you know, like that’s that’s the beauty of, you know, working with coaching platform teams are people that really have a clear understanding of what works at a high level on the commercial and residential space, really. And when you pair a very motivated client, really high caliber talent like my out desk and then a coaching platform like yourself, I mean, that’s the winning that’s the winning formula.
00:30:08:01 – 00:30:19:17
Daniel Ramsey
The for us, because it is challenging. And if you’ve never done that kind of marketing or or prospecting out to people that you don’t know or you don’t already have a relationship with, it can be really challenging.
00:30:20:09 – 00:30:42:03
Michael Simpson
Yeah. So I’m going to say this, you guys, there’s for kind of going back just for a second to where he was talking about what Daniel was talking about, you get paid to do for high dollar activities list, sell, negotiate prospect. Right so we maybe could type that in chapter list, sell, negotiate prospect. You know, only I can go on listing appointments and get that price, right?
00:30:42:03 – 00:31:09:03
Michael Simpson
Right. Unless I have a listing specialist only I should be negotiating the deal. Or if somebody really good only I should be prospecting unless I have a doorknock or a lead generator, telemarketer, things like that I should be showing right with sell show negotiate with sell negotiate prospect sell. Been showing right. Only I should be out looking at properties right buyers unless I have a great buyer’s agent.
00:31:09:03 – 00:31:26:01
Michael Simpson
So everything I just said is only those are there for high dollar activities, delegating everything else. And guess what? When whenever someone says I’m not making the amount of money I like to make, I’m going to say, Well, let’s see what you’re doing, which your calendar like, which right. Yes. And where are they spending most of their time on the stuff.
00:31:26:01 – 00:31:50:05
Michael Simpson
Right. Instead of getting that stuff. Which is, which is what they should be doing. Delegating everything. What I just said now the list sell, negotiate, prospect. I also said only I should be doing that unless I have somebody who’s very good. So. Right. And in what you also said, Daniel, was it’s it’s a challenge to challenge having people that are trained to do one of those four activities.
00:31:50:05 – 00:32:18:12
Michael Simpson
But it can be done. Yeah. And we’re doing it now today so it can be done. But just understand that you can use these virtual assistants for, you know, what I’ve seen over the years with you guys, Daniel is you’ve really gone from just being able to do admin to being capable of doing inside sales and much, much more because your skill set of your team is gone up.
00:32:18:15 – 00:32:40:11
Michael Simpson
So now your ability used to be before you know, you guys, a lot of the virtual assistants were known for having the language barriers, right? Yeah. That’s where now that’s not so much the case. So you can really use these inside. You can use these virtual assistants for not just admin and you should be using for them. If you’re not using for admin, then guess who is the admin.
00:32:40:17 – 00:33:12:08
Daniel Ramsey
Yeah. Yeah. Well, and ask yourself what you’re worth an hour. That’s my final slide of today’s presentation is you have to ask yourself like, what are you worth today? You know, if you’re prospecting, listing, negotiating or selling, right? What’s your hourly rate when you’re doing that work? And then what’s your hourly rate if you’re doing your own paperwork or your own calendar stuff or you’re scheduling your vendors to going out to a property, like when you do those blended, you know, kind of org charts of having a virtual assistant do the stuff that just really has to get done.
00:33:12:08 – 00:33:41:19
Daniel Ramsey
But it’s not super important. Like it doesn’t require a high level of skill. Like that’s when the whole world opens up. It had a or yeah. Ed I’d like to see something regarding the stay at home order environment. The virtual office model has been around for a decade before this order. Yeah, we’re going to talk about that. In fact, Ed, I’m going to give away our so today, Michael, when we were first talking, he’s like, wait a minute, Daniel, you’re going to give away a book.
00:33:42:01 – 00:34:00:18
Daniel Ramsey
You’re going to give away our go remote guide. You’re going to basically give all the stuff out for free. And I’m like, Absolutely, because I want his audience. I want you guys to be successful. So one of our free gifts today, and I’m just going to do it now so you can get it real quick if if you wanted a go remote guide.
00:34:00:21 – 00:34:22:18
Daniel Ramsey
So it’s 12 pages of everything that we do as a company. Remember, we’ve had almost 6000 clients. That means we’ve had 6000 virtual assistants who’ve all worked at home, meaning we’ve been for 13 years a stay at home shelter in place company, you know. And so we created all these systems and processes around that prior to the pandemic.
00:34:22:18 – 00:34:51:03
Daniel Ramsey
And now we’re in a space where we’re just simply sharing that information. So all you have to do to get that if you’re listening, is text the letters right here, emote with the wrong way. mod231996 and you’ll get our full, complete 12 page go remote. It has this is a funny thing. It has etiquette in it. It has all the systems that you need and it shows you how to do the work and what to do.
00:34:52:04 – 00:35:08:14
Daniel Ramsey
My favorite thing is like, Hey, if you got to go bathroom, you don’t want to in a chat platform say, Hey, guys, I’m going to go potty or I’m going to go like my four year old. I have a four year old daughter. She’s like, Daddy, Daddy, I’ve got to go potty. You don’t want to put that on your chat platform with your team or your coworkers, right?
00:35:08:19 – 00:35:29:24
Daniel Ramsey
So one of the things that we do is it’s bio break. I’m going on a bio break. Be right back. So we have even funny little chat things that you can use in the office environment to stay connected with your people. And all you have to do to get that is just text emoji to 31996 and you’ll get that.
00:35:30:17 – 00:35:53:01
Daniel Ramsey
You’ll get that and. This is to Ed’s question, Michael. Sorry for that. I’m just I can talk. I’m a sales guy, right? So I can talk. Yeah. Here’s the thing. We took that go remote guide and we gave it to our clients. So we have about 1000 clients in total. And we said, look, we’ve been doing this for 13 years.
00:35:53:07 – 00:36:16:23
Daniel Ramsey
Here is our version of it with our marketing, our stuff on top of it, go ahead and take ours off and then add yours to it. So Ed’s question is like, Hey, what do I do in a pandemic? What are the things? What should we be doing or saying to our clients, or what should we be giving? We’re still in a space of exchanging cash for value.
00:36:17:14 – 00:36:35:13
Daniel Ramsey
Now normally we’re doing it in commissions, or normally we’re doing it in deals that we’re putting together whatever the case is. But now, you know, for about 30, 45 days, most of the country has been locked in their home. So guess what? A guide of how to be productive when you’re stuck at home. That’s something that most people need or want.
00:36:36:09 – 00:36:57:24
Daniel Ramsey
So if you wanted to, you could put together that, put your logo on top of it, and then send it out to your clients, you know, give your commercial clients or even your sphere of influence or your referral partners something of value that they can use today. And I think that’s how you win in today’s environment. You know.
00:36:57:24 – 00:37:19:09
Michael Simpson
Yeah, I agree with you completely. I think what happened with us, Art, we’re a training company and coach, you know, and so we are we have realized that we need to do more virtual for years and people have been saying you need to do more of this online. And yeah, yeah, yeah. I just, you know, I’m busy. I don’t have time to figure that out.
00:37:19:09 – 00:37:47:06
Michael Simpson
Well, guess what? We just got thrown into an environment where you better figure it out or you’re deep trouble. Yeah. So it’s you’re we’re now in that in that position. And what we’ve been doing is, you know, we’ve been doing these series every Thursday at 1:00. I encourage all you guys to jump on the series and where you get the registration would be go to our website or go to our customer service education at the end.
00:37:47:06 – 00:38:12:11
Michael Simpson
CRC, ACORN Education at the end create a com is our is our email and if somebody is on there I see somebody chatting on my behalf. So if you want to put a link in there, we will register. That’d be great. But if you go on that series, everything that that we’re talking about is what you just said is, okay, how do we do everything that we’re we’ve been doing live?
00:38:12:11 – 00:38:34:18
Michael Simpson
How do we start doing it virtually? And one of the big differences is your listing presentation. And tomorrow I’m doing a listing presentation and I’m going to kind of demo how you do that virtually. And so I’m not sure exactly what Ed’s questions were in regards to that, but hopefully those two answers, what you said and what I just said, help him a little bit.
00:38:34:18 – 00:38:45:18
Michael Simpson
In terms of it is it’s different, right? I mean, it’s like if I go meet this is important, guys. If I go meet Daniel in person, the first thing you do is you shake your hand.
00:38:45:18 – 00:38:46:22
Daniel Ramsey
Shake my hand? Yeah.
00:38:47:10 – 00:39:10:08
Michael Simpson
We’re going to build some rapport, right? I mean. Right. What’s your four year old son? You know, I’m going to find you’re a commercial broker in the past. Yeah, to find something in common with him. Well, guess what? You don’t have the really ability to do that right now in the same way, right? It’s like I jump on the zoom, I’ve got my kid out here, I’ve got my wife in the other room, I’ve got, you know, who knows what’s going on in their world, right?
00:39:10:10 – 00:39:29:14
Michael Simpson
So number one is what’s going on in Daniel’s world right now. What I know what do I think I might know about his situation to try and make him more relaxed and more make this easier for him and get the recourse stuff? Forget the sales stuff that I’m number one ness and I’m going to do this and just stop.
00:39:29:14 – 00:39:46:16
Michael Simpson
That’s all gone out the window, you guys. It’s different. It’s not the same. You’ve got to come in differently. And so these are the things that that you need to understand. And I’m you know, I don’t want to suck up all your time. I know that right now. But, you know, join us on the series. It’s it’s free.
00:39:46:16 – 00:39:55:23
Michael Simpson
I’m not, you know, pitching anything. Just join the series. And where I’ve got a couple of hours and I’ll I’ll demonstrate and share with you how you do those kinds of things, because it is a little bit different for sure.
00:39:56:04 – 00:40:16:05
Daniel Ramsey
When I, I would I love what we’re talking about. I think this is good value for the audience. So I think we just keep going. One of our clients, who is a commercial oil real estate broker and they own, I think it’s 200 different commercial, you know, shopping centers. So they’re a big retail shopping center kind of investor.
00:40:16:15 – 00:40:40:00
Daniel Ramsey
And his name is Ray and he’s out of Texas. And I really love this guy because when this all went down, his first line of action was, I’m going to help my tenants market. Like he happened to have a digital marketing person on his team and a marketing assistant and like a real team. And he’d been marketing because he wanted to find deals himself, right?
00:40:40:00 – 00:41:06:17
Daniel Ramsey
And so he had this team and so he had a couple struggle being retail tenants, restaurants and retail, and he’s like, Hey, guys, let us let us help you. Let us help you through this by upping your marketing, opening your influence, upping the amount of time that you’re out there spending. Now, it didn’t work for some of his clients, but some of the people who are leasing his buildings were like, this is actually what we needed.
00:41:06:17 – 00:41:27:15
Daniel Ramsey
We needed this support, you know, and he’s a commercial guy. He’s a commercial broker and he’s a he’s a landlord. So you know what? I guess what you’re saying and what I’m saying is that time is different and it’s time to adapt to what the new realities are. And it’s not necessarily you’re not going to be selling. Another client of ours is a office cleaner.
00:41:28:10 – 00:41:45:04
Daniel Ramsey
You know, they they clean offices and we help them with their admin and their books and a bunch of their administrative. And, you know, here’s another thing. We just answer the phone for him, you know, like we just answer their phone, right? Well, she was struggling, like, hey, what’s my new world when there’s nobody in the office anymore?
00:41:45:04 – 00:42:12:09
Daniel Ramsey
Like, who am I going to like? I’m not cleaning anything, right? So she and I, we were talking back and forth and guess what? She’s now the certified COVID 19 cleaner in her town. So what did she do? She’s like she changed her website. She went to the CDC and she got all of the steps. She’s trained her employees about how to not infect a space, even if they’re infected.
00:42:12:16 – 00:42:38:01
Daniel Ramsey
And they’ve put protocols in place so that now they’re cleaning every surface with stuff that kills COVID 19. Right. So now, now all of a sudden she’s getting calls off the chain because these companies that want to protect their employees and stay open, they need somebody to come in at night and clean. So guess what? Office, office cleaner, going to go broke, going to lose everything.
00:42:38:01 – 00:42:42:18
Daniel Ramsey
She shifted her value proposition and now she is absolutely in the game.
00:42:43:14 – 00:42:44:13
Michael Simpson
And she’s certified.
00:42:45:06 – 00:43:08:16
Daniel Ramsey
Well, I mean, here’s the reality. She you know, and she explains in our marketing and she explains what she’s doing. And and, you know, the realities are she’s out there serving a market niche that, you know, that just simply wasn’t there prior. Let’s go. Joe had a comment. I want to just acknowledge you, Joe, for for coming in here and and sharing.
00:43:08:16 – 00:43:31:06
Daniel Ramsey
Here’s what Joe said. This is really the best advice. People don’t mind paying the commission if you show your value, whether it’s service business or especially business or even a haircut, it’s all the same. So I think. Yeah, Joe, you’re spot on. I need a haircut, though, man, I got to say. Yeah, you’re looking good, man. You’re surviving this just fine.
00:43:32:14 – 00:44:06:13
Daniel Ramsey
Okay, we’re going to. I’m going to throw the slides back. Guys, you guys have been awesome. I’m just going to get back into it. Here is one of the craziest things about this particular world is that outsourcing has been around forever. And this guy said it best. Now he he’s a guy in Washington, DC and, you know, his world is every single MBA school, any school of business has been driving into every business person that’s come through their class.
00:44:06:20 – 00:44:30:04
Daniel Ramsey
If, if you should focus on your core competency for us, that’s real estate and you should outsource everything else. Outsource your admin, outsource your books, outsource your your marketing, because guess what, the thing that you do in your business is serving clients. And so in his space, this is a no brainer. I want to walk you guys through our process.
00:44:30:04 – 00:44:52:13
Daniel Ramsey
A lot of people like Michael in the beginning was like, Hey, you know, what’s their English like? Are they smart? You know, can I communicate with them? Will they actually help grow my business? Do I really know you know what’s going on in their world? Here’s the here’s the reality. Our interviewing process is insane. I’m a I’m a commercial broker.
00:44:52:13 – 00:45:15:21
Daniel Ramsey
I was just Michael, I was just walking a building that I purchased several months ago because we’re having the floors polished, right? We’re having we’ve pulled out carpet and now we’re going to have the concrete polished. It’s a small two unit kind of commercial space. And I’m walking the floor with a guy this morning. And the reality is, I know how important it is to have a players on the team.
00:45:15:21 – 00:45:41:22
Daniel Ramsey
And so we built this process to bring the best of the best to you as our client. So we had 22,000 applicants last year, 8000 initial interviews, 3500 final interviews, 1600 people began training with us, meaning they do some work. And then only 509 candidates got actually endorsed to clients. We also put them through an FBI great background check, employment check.
00:45:41:22 – 00:46:01:23
Daniel Ramsey
We do a personality profile. You’d mentioned hides and eyes. We’re hiring people that are complimentary to you. If you’re a hired, you don’t want to work with another Heidi. We’re going to get you an S or a C, somebody who’s compliant or pays attention to the details. And so these are the things that we’re going to help you do.
00:46:02:03 – 00:46:26:14
Daniel Ramsey
And this is all before you ever interview somebody with us. So these are all steps that they go through. Another thing that they it’s crazy is we have them go through interviews and all this process way before you interview them. One thing that our doctor, we actually have a doctor on staff in the Philippines and you you actually have to get a physical before you get endorsed to a client.
00:46:26:14 – 00:46:38:16
Daniel Ramsey
We want healthy folks who are working for our clients. So I’m going to pause right there. Michael, what’s been your experience? You know, talking with Alvin and talking with L being in this process with us?
00:46:38:22 – 00:47:03:06
Michael Simpson
Well, first, the previous the company, you know, the my wife is corporate, right? She’s comes from a corporate background. So corporate backgrounds, they’re used to hiring and training and they have systems and processes, salespeople. Me, I have no systems. I have no process. I don’t even know what those are. Right. And and so when you when what do I what did I do to hire people before?
00:47:03:06 – 00:47:29:04
Michael Simpson
Hey, you know, like you, right? You’re kind of what it is. You’re like me, so you’ll be great. Well, that’s how you should hire people. And so right when I opened my franchises, they taught us a lot on hiring and systems and processes for doing that. So I learned a ton right on that. It was very enlightening, the fact that you guys can do that and take a lot of that.
00:47:29:08 – 00:47:48:00
Michael Simpson
Most people don’t know how to do it, how to do that. And so the fact that you guys can do those things saves a lot of time and knowledge and I just may not have as a salesperson. So that’s I didn’t know you guys that that’s actually pretty cool that you, you know, you do those those things before I even get to them.
00:47:48:00 – 00:48:08:07
Michael Simpson
So it saves my time. But no, my experience is with you guys has been wonderful. You’ve helped us out a lot. So just this right here, just this, this, this, these kinds of, you know, tips and strategies is been huge, and your team is first class and you guys have been around for a long time. Everyone sort of my out guest, so.
00:48:09:02 – 00:48:31:10
Daniel Ramsey
I love it. Steven in the chat says that we want to remind people that A students work for C students. And I love that because I, you know, I wasn’t a nay student, you know, so I think that’s a great acknowledgment. Guys, we’re going to wrap up. I’ve got a couple of offers for you guys and I just want to acknowledge you, Michael, for having us here.
00:48:31:20 – 00:48:50:24
Daniel Ramsey
Also letting you know that we’re right now is the Q&A time. If anybody has any thoughts or concerns or questions about what a virtual assistant could do for your particular business, what I want to do and I want to invite you to come and have a consultation with us, we’re going to follow up with you if you if you want it, fine.
00:48:50:24 – 00:49:11:19
Daniel Ramsey
If it if you don’t, it’s 100% free. We’re going to give away a copy of our book. So in that book, everything that you need for going remote, everything that you need for hiring virtual assistants, even if you don’t hire us, take the book and read about how to build a system and process. I think that’s what we should focus on real quick.
00:49:12:17 – 00:49:41:05
Daniel Ramsey
I’ll show you I’ll share one methodology with you guys before we wrap up. My favorite thing is building a system in process, doing something we call play, pause, do. And Michael, this is this will be great because I think you’ll really appreciate it to play pause do is where you’re on a computer screen like we are right now a zoom call or something you’re recording your computer and then you’re talking you’re recording your screen.
00:49:41:05 – 00:50:01:24
Daniel Ramsey
You’re talking while you’re actually doing so. Let’s say you take a listing and you want to throw it into Costar. You want to put a marketing flier together. You have a particular way of putting a contract together. You can actually record your screen and actually talk about the how, what and why of actually putting together a contract, right?
00:50:01:24 – 00:50:22:20
Daniel Ramsey
How you every single time put it together, the same kind of contract. The terms might change, but that state, those the things that change. But most of a contract is kind of that most of the stuff is all the same. Right. And so you’ll record your screen and you talk about the how, what and why while you’re actually doing the process.
00:50:23:09 – 00:50:42:10
Daniel Ramsey
Okay? If you make 3 to 5 of those now, you have a documented process that a virtual assistant could actually follow for you and you could be on the road, find a deal and have a contract out for it so you can review it very fast. In this world of nimble Corona times, you want to get moving quick, right?
00:50:42:10 – 00:50:55:03
Daniel Ramsey
And you could actually have somebody doing your paperwork for you with just simply creating 3 to 5 videos. We call that process the play pause due process. I don’t know. Michael, what are your thoughts around that.
00:50:55:20 – 00:51:18:02
Michael Simpson
As that sounds interesting. It sounds very I also wanted to mention that you guys now I’ve seen some of your tips on some basic stuff. You know, some people are really basic. This is new. And I heard my overheard my wife in the other room here doing a zoom with somebody and she said, no, turn this. It’s a red button, you know, turn your camera.
00:51:18:02 – 00:51:36:12
Michael Simpson
You know, people are still trying to figure that out. Right. So you have you have some tips that you guys I’ve seen, like lighting, sound and mikes and some of the basic fundamentals. So, you know, reach out to you guys. You would say I want to say anything about that.
00:51:36:12 – 00:52:03:08
Daniel Ramsey
Yeah, I’m going to real quick, I’m going to share screens again and just show you guys our offers today. And if you’re listening and you think this might be a value, definitely text emoji to 31996. Get your free go remote. I like the R&D rip off and redistribute. If you’re here with us today, you understand what we’re we’re offering and what we’re giving away.
00:52:03:14 – 00:52:39:11
Daniel Ramsey
Take it and repurpose it for your business. I think that would be the best thing you could do. Also, if you come in and decide to do a consultation with us, we’re going to give you a copy of our book. It’s called Scaling Your Business with Mod Virtual Professionals. Okay. So my out mod virtual assistants basically and again, it’s a very short, easy, fun read, but it gives you everything that you need to know and everything that you need to do in order to actually take advantage of this blended market, which is, you know, you’re doing the most important, the four most important things like Michael has said, and then everything else is given to
00:52:39:12 – 00:53:00:24
Daniel Ramsey
a virtual assistant. So you can double or triple your income and build a real business in today’s world. And here here’s the quote, Michael, just like you, just like I told you, either you have an assistant or you are the assistant. It really is your choice. That and that’s it. That’s our whole presentation. You guys, I really appreciate you.
00:53:01:12 – 00:53:19:02
Daniel Ramsey
Before you go, guys. And please, please, please, on a scale of 1 to 10, please give us your Thrive score one more time. I’m a big fan of getting that score at the end. We’ll share it with you guys. You know, we’ll definitely share it with Michael. So you can send it out to your world. But I appreciate you guys being here.
00:53:19:08 – 00:53:25:18
Daniel Ramsey
I hope you take advantage of all these offers. And Michael, I just want to let you wrap this up and and thank you for having us today.
00:53:25:18 – 00:54:01:17
Michael Simpson
Yeah, you bet. And, you know, I just wrap up by saying that, you know, I don’t have any benefit from you guys getting assistance and working with my out desk. No financial benefit whatsoever. I’ve always suggested people hire. I’ve been you’ve if you ever been any my training and you’ve heard me get on my rants and raves about that because you make too much money in real estate or you have the ability to if you’re focused on the things you need to focus on, you know, if you’re going to hire and then go kick back and sit on the beach, then you know that’s not going to get you a return.
00:54:01:17 – 00:54:17:02
Michael Simpson
But if you’re going to go to work and you’re willing to go to work and hire and stop with the stuff, right, and look at it as a 90 day, don’t look at it. It’s like, Oh, I’m going to pay this much for 12 months. Look at it. This, hey, if things don’t work out in 90 days, you know, we’re not we’re not going to stay together.
00:54:17:02 – 00:54:42:00
Michael Simpson
You know, that’s how I’ve always done that. And so I just can’t encourage it enough. If you don’t have an assistant or some sort of virtual assistant, right here is a perfect solution for you in your business and you’ll make two or three times your money, especially right now if you go to work and you know, you should be getting up in the morning with a plan of going into lead generation mode.
00:54:42:00 – 00:55:03:21
Michael Simpson
And what I mean by that was just touching people, right, two, 3 hours every single day and everything else will take care of itself. You will get through this market if you do what I just said, you will get through and you’ll thrive. I promise you. You go through, you’ll come out on the other end going, Wow, look at how much market share I’ve captured and all the other people are hiding under the covers or when in a fear mode and didn’t know.
00:55:04:11 – 00:55:08:06
Michael Simpson
You just stay proactive and you’ll you’ll you’ll be great. You’ll do very well.
00:55:08:18 – 00:55:29:18
Daniel Ramsey
That’s nuts. You know, we had Cedric and another guy say that our tax code is not working. So if you text and it worked, could you just post in the chat that it was working for you? Because I’m not sure if Cedric you’re doing it wrong, but we’ll follow up with you guys and get you a copy of not only our Go Remote Guide, but the book if you want.
00:55:29:18 – 00:55:55:17
Daniel Ramsey
Okay. Andrea says it worked at work. Okay, so good. What you want to do is in the number place where you’d normally put a text, you put 31996 and in the in the message place, you just put mode mod. So I just want to acknowledge you guys. I also love there was somebody in here, Joe has an 11, so his new Thrive score is 11.
00:55:56:05 – 00:56:23:15
Daniel Ramsey
So that’s good. And our post webinar Thrive score is 9.8. So there you go, guys. We did it together. I really appreciate you guys for being here. If you need anything, our website is my out just dot com. Michael, you’re amazing. We will do anything to serve or help your community, so just reach out to us and just want to thank thank you and acknowledge everybody for being here today.
00:56:24:06 – 00:56:26:24
Michael Simpson
Thank you for having us. Appreciate it very much. Great job.
00:56:27:09 – 00:56:28:19
Daniel Ramsey
My guys. Thank you.
00:56:28:19 – 00:56:31:01
Michael Simpson