Guests: Dan Stewart, Daniel Ramsey
Recorded: June 22, 2020
For business owners, recruitment and turnover are a constant focus — if not a total preoccupation of one’s daily work. In this STRATEGY-focused webinar, you’ll understand how to lay the foundation to grow your empire.
00:00:06:20 – 00:00:37:11
Daniel Ramsey
Hey, everybody. Daniel Ramsey here. If you’re watching us live, I’m really excited for you to be here. We’re going to be talking today about what to say now, which is the recruitment edition. So my good friend Dan Stewart here, happy grasshopper. This whole world has shifted and we’re specifically talking about recruiting remotely. And Dan is the expert at crafting messages and creating process around building really revenue.
00:00:37:20 – 00:00:56:02
Daniel Ramsey
And in this edition we’re talking about building a talent pipeline. So it’s a really cool talk if you’re getting here right now. I want you to go into the chat and just tell us the city you’re in and what the temperature is outside. I want to know how hot it is where you’re at, and I really appreciate you guys sharing.
00:00:56:02 – 00:01:08:16
Daniel Ramsey
And we’re about to go live. So if you’re here, you’re a little bit early. I love it. Just jump in the chat so we know where you’re calling from and and what’s it like where you’re at. Dan, thank you for being here, by the way.
00:01:09:16 – 00:01:13:09
Dan Stewart
Oh, gosh, you’re so welcome. Daniel Absolutely. Are you kidding? This is great.
00:01:14:04 – 00:01:37:00
Daniel Ramsey
Okay, so we got Brian. It’s 94 degrees in good old Texas. It’s always hot in Texas with big bugs, right, Brian? Dan, So let’s talk. Why did we start this? Why are we having this conversation? Why is it so important in your world? And let’s give everybody a little sense of your background so that they know why they should be listening to the stuff that you’re about to share with us.
00:01:37:14 – 00:02:02:15
Dan Stewart
Yeah. Okay, great. Um, so, first of all, wherever it is you are right now, like in your individual personal business, if, if you’re not striving for something, right, if you’re not trying to progress, it’s kind of a not a great place to be. So those of us who work in the real estate space, we tend to go from being, you know, a solo agent at some point.
00:02:02:15 – 00:02:25:16
Dan Stewart
Then you think about, well, I’ve got more opportunity than I can handle. I need a team, right? And yep, go through the fits and starts of building a team. And then some people say, you know what, I really like helping people succeed. I’m going to open a brokerage, right? Or they find themselves managing a brokerage and all of a sudden they have a responsibility to attract even more people, right?
00:02:25:20 – 00:02:50:16
Dan Stewart
Yep. All of a sudden, their number one job becomes making sure that they’ve got enough people joining the brokerage for the brokerage to achieve its goals. So in my career as an entrepreneur, recruitment has been responsible for literally all the success we’ve ever had. Yeah, because none of us succeed alone, right? That’s one of my core beliefs. So if you’re going to have a team, you may as well have the best team possible.
00:02:51:00 – 00:03:09:06
Dan Stewart
And to do that, you have to have a strategic methodology for finding the right people, attracting them to your business, and then keeping them over the long term. Right. So, I mean, how simple is that framework? Right. You’ve got to identify, attract and retain pretty straightforward stuff.
00:03:09:21 – 00:03:33:11
Daniel Ramsey
I love it. We’ve got Matt O’Neill here from Charleston, South Carolina. What’s up, Matt? You he actually was voted the number one agent in his town like the four years in a row. I just saw that on Facebook. A client, good friend of ours. Thanks for joining, guys. Dan, we were just talking. So it’s about identifying, attracting and retaining.
00:03:33:11 – 00:03:46:20
Daniel Ramsey
But there’s a new kind of kind of curveball in there now. We’re all virtual working from home, right? I’m here in my home. I’m you know, you’re home like so the world is manual.
00:03:46:22 – 00:04:08:19
Dan Stewart
For ten years, we’ve had offices, right? Yeah. Yeah. Welcome to my man cave. This is the detached garage at my horse farm, right? Yes. It’s a new normal for a lot of us where we’re working virtually for the first time. Right. And for others, it’s. Oh, my gosh, this is so comfortable because they’ve been doing it and they’ve been doing it well for a long period of time.
00:04:09:09 – 00:04:34:02
Dan Stewart
So if if you are a broker now and you’ve got a traditional brick and mortar establishment, you’re seeing even less agents attend that facility. Right. They’re not coming to the office like they used to. So you have to have a strategy for engaging them in ongoing, regular conversation or they’re going to drift. Right? They’re going to they’re going to all of a sudden recognize that maybe they need to be somewhere else.
00:04:34:11 – 00:04:42:06
Dan Stewart
So you’ve got to make your agents invisible to your competition. And we’ll talk a little bit about how to do that as well. So.
00:04:42:06 – 00:04:43:04
Daniel Ramsey
Well, and I think to.
00:04:43:04 – 00:04:48:16
Dan Stewart
Your question, this is the reason why. Right. It’s this time of change. We’ve got to respond. Yeah.
00:04:48:23 – 00:05:15:20
Daniel Ramsey
Well, and I think in the absence of value, price becomes the only thing. So today the value that we’re going to bring is like how to recruit in a remote environment. We’re going to talk about a lot of different things. Then you’ve got a slide deck. Let’s let’s dove in. We’ve given them enough kind of background. Your your business specifically helps people do what let’s let’s talk through that real quick and then jump into your slides.
00:05:16:15 – 00:05:48:18
Dan Stewart
Okay. Well, at Happy Grasshopper, we help people who are real estate. Wynn okay. So if you’re a solo agent, we can help you generate new leads now and ongoing basis from the people who are already in your database. If you’re a broker, we can help you attract and retain the right clients. And if you’re the owner of, say, an independent brokerage, yep, we can actually provide white label versions of our technology that is branded with your name, your colors, it looks like your product.
00:05:48:18 – 00:05:52:05
Dan Stewart
And that’s a great strategy to help retain and hold onto those agents.
00:05:52:23 – 00:06:13:16
Daniel Ramsey
And your guys. A sweet spot is actually crafting the message. That’s what’s important here is that and I think the reason we had you here is that a lot of us know how to kind of sell our service or our product. But when you’re talking about a talent kind of conversation, those those conversations are different. Yeah, just talk about.
00:06:14:23 – 00:06:37:08
Dan Stewart
Okay, so, you know, I think the right lead in to that is let’s just let’s take a deep breath. Can everybody do that right now? Just one giant big deep breath. Okay. All right. I just let it out. Okay. We’ve got to get comfortable with the fact that no matter who we are and no matter what we do, there’s always someone else that our clients can choose to do that thing with.
00:06:38:06 – 00:06:58:13
Dan Stewart
And so if you were in my business, if you owned Happy Grasshopper, you have to now recognize that Samsung makes a refrigerator that will send you a text and let you know you’re out of milk. I mean, like sending a message in 2020 is not a challenge for anyone. It’s not. The challenge is figuring out what to say.
00:06:58:20 – 00:07:17:22
Dan Stewart
Right. That’s the real hard part. So that’s what this session is really all about. We’re going to go through a process together over the next half an hour or so. That’s going to give you the answers to all those questions. So you know what to say to attract the right people specifically for you. So, you know, that being said, let’s go ahead.
00:07:17:22 – 00:07:26:03
Dan Stewart
I’m going to open my screen share here now and let’s roll. Daniel, if you don’t mind, I’m going to drive here for a bit, my man. How’s that sound?
00:07:26:14 – 00:07:27:19
Daniel Ramsey
I love it. Let’s do.
00:07:27:19 – 00:07:45:06
Dan Stewart
It. So now I need you to do me a favor, though. Everybody. The way to get the most out of this session is to be engaged and involved. Like, I want you to be asking questions. I want you to interrupt me. Okay, so, Daniel, I’m going to need your help there, because when my screen shares on, I can’t see the chat that’s open.
00:07:45:06 – 00:08:05:13
Daniel Ramsey
Yeah. And I’m going to I’m definitely going to jump in easily said she’s so I’m feeling lucky to be here live. Woo hoo. I love that. I know Matt does the whole talent thing at a high level. Brian’s here to learn to so if you’re here right now, the only way to actually get value is to pick Dan’s brain.
00:08:05:22 – 00:08:28:14
Daniel Ramsey
And he’s an expert at what he does. What to say now is the thing that everybody’s got on their mind. You know, one of the challenges that we’re all like as an owner, are we going to go back to an office? Are we going to talk to our employees about what it looks like to come back and how do we get somebody to move when they’ve just had this trauma of their business going down and then right straight back up?
00:08:28:14 – 00:08:37:19
Daniel Ramsey
So this is a really profound conversation and Dan is the expert at it. So the only way to get value is to kind of interact. So let’s do that.
00:08:38:06 – 00:09:00:03
Dan Stewart
Yeah. Awesome. Thank you, Dan. So there’s a little bit of my background on the screen, right? This is not about me. It’s more about what I’ve learned that can help you. So the reason this information is there is because I know for certain that the Internet is full of people who are just talking and don’t have any experience in actually being able to create results.
00:09:00:03 – 00:09:23:16
Dan Stewart
So I want you to know that everything I’m sharing with you, it’s because of some things I’ve learned in my career as a serial entrepreneur. So I come to every meeting I ever attend with some goals. I would encourage you to just recognize that the person in whatever interaction you’re in that’s more certain about what they want is the person who’s going to get it.
00:09:24:08 – 00:09:44:24
Dan Stewart
Okay, that’s like tweetable. You should write that shit down. If you’re more certain about what you want than the other party on the other side, you’re most likely going to get it. Okay, so today I’m coming here to help you understand what recruitment really is. I’m going to help you understand the strategies for the type of recruiter that you really need to be.
00:09:45:08 – 00:10:04:23
Dan Stewart
And I’m going to show you how to put those strategies to work as well as steering away from some of the stuff that can screw this all up for you along the way. So where we have to start is a pretty simple, basic place, and that’s what questions and we’re going to just like, huh, marvel at the simplicity of this, okay?
00:10:04:23 – 00:10:29:04
Dan Stewart
Because we all have the same amount of time, right? Plus or minus a few dollars. We all have about the same amount of resources, right? So the place that we start that really gives us the edge over our competition is by asking the right questions. And, you know, you should know this isn’t just me saying this, right? This is guy’s much smarter than I am who know to teach this?
00:10:30:01 – 00:10:52:17
Dan Stewart
I love this quote. You know, this is this is Albert Einstein, right? I mean, not a dumb dude. And he’s essentially telling us that when his life’s on the line, he’s going to take his time to slow down and think about the right questions before he just sets about having the work right. Similarly, another quote I love is from Abraham Lincoln.
00:10:53:04 – 00:11:15:13
Dan Stewart
He said that if he had 8 hours to chop down a tree, he’d spend the first seven sharpening his ax. So we’re going to start out by asking ourselves some questions. And this is where I really want you guys to engage in the chat here. So let’s start out by asking ourselves, what’s the purpose of our prosperity? What are we doing this for?
00:11:16:02 – 00:11:27:00
Dan Stewart
What are we going to do with it all? Where is it going to go? Why is it important for us to be successful? Do you have an answer? Dan?
00:11:27:00 – 00:11:46:20
Daniel Ramsey
I mean, everything about. Yeah, no, I love it. Everything about what we do is serving others. So one of our core values and the most important one to me is servant’s heart. So at my out desk, we serve our clients by providing high caliber talent so they can grow and scale their business. And so every time somebody asks me, like, what am I doing in the world?
00:11:46:20 – 00:12:04:01
Daniel Ramsey
How am I making impact? It has to do around finding talent for businesses and entrepreneurs to really grow in scale and then being able to take that kind of opportunity and help our people make impact in the world by doing charitable stuff so that that’s 100% what we do.
00:12:04:19 – 00:12:31:00
Dan Stewart
It’s a big answer, and it’s important to be as clear as I am thinking about this sort of thing. I think if we boil it down to the very heart of it, it’s the same answer for almost everybody, right? And that answer is to fund a meaningful life. That’s the purpose of our prosperity. It doesn’t do us any good to earn millions of dollars if we can’t enjoy our life despite that opportunity.
00:12:31:03 – 00:12:55:04
Dan Stewart
Right. So the next question obviously is, well, what’s meaningful? And the really good news here is that that’s up to each of us. It’s always going to be up to each of us, right? So what I need to share with you now is the way to go from wherever you are to where you’re achieving a specific goal. So here’s what I’d like you to do, guys.
00:12:55:05 – 00:13:22:12
Dan Stewart
Let’s go ahead and set a goal together and just imagine this big giant goal will put that where the medal is in the upper right of the screen there. So I want you guys to call it out in the chat who’s got a giant goal? Maybe it’s number of agents recruited. Maybe it’s number of agents you’re going to add over a specific period of time, maybe in the eye goal and number of transactions, it can be anything, right?
00:13:22:12 – 00:13:28:11
Dan Stewart
A weight loss goal, dollars saved goal. You can put any single thing you’d like to put in there.
00:13:29:04 – 00:13:38:02
Daniel Ramsey
All right. All right. So Matt O’Neill, 400 million sold by 2020 to 2022. So I love that.
00:13:38:20 – 00:13:43:20
Dan Stewart
So you just need one $400. Million, $400 million sale over the next couple of years? No problem.
00:13:43:20 – 00:13:45:13
Daniel Ramsey
One one islands. Right.
00:13:46:19 – 00:14:13:02
Dan Stewart
Talk to my buddy Jan Kua. He’s a financial advisor in Charleston. He knows people who need to live in $400 million homes. He can help him say that’s actually a pretty good illustration here. Right. So we’ll take that goal will take Matt’s goal, $400 million sold by 2022. So what’s the immediate thing that has to happen before that sales like he can’t get to that total unless he’s making sales along the way.
00:14:13:03 – 00:14:16:19
Dan Stewart
Right. So where do sales come from? People.
00:14:18:12 – 00:14:24:21
Daniel Ramsey
Opportunities. I can see your or I can see your screen. You’re I’m cheating because I can see.
00:14:24:23 – 00:14:27:09
Dan Stewart
Everybody knew that. Yeah. Yeah.
00:14:27:22 – 00:14:30:22
Daniel Ramsey
So you got to switch screens whether.
00:14:32:07 – 00:14:32:10
Dan Stewart
00:14:32:10 – 00:14:35:09
Daniel Ramsey
Giving us the questions and the answers to the test.
00:14:35:15 – 00:15:00:14
Dan Stewart
I’ll walk you through. I’ll make it as simple as possible. So if we follow this ladder all the way to the ground, it starts at questions. And so we began today by asking ourselves questions internally and to to have conversations with people who can help Matt achieve his goal. He has to ask questions of other people. Right. And then what happens inside conversations is that we actually build relationships.
00:15:00:14 – 00:15:29:15
Dan Stewart
That’s absolutely critical thing to understand. If you’re not having a conversation with someone, you’re not in a relationship with them. Right? So like let’s own the fact that your CRM that you’re subscribing to its sole purpose is to create conversations for you, because those conversations deepen relationships. Relationships lead to better opportunities. Opportunities lead to sales. Sales leads to the achievement of your goal.
00:15:30:05 – 00:15:53:16
Dan Stewart
Right? So when we talk about what to say now, we’re always going to talk about where to start with questions. Okay. And, you know, for what it’s worth, like, I’d like to share just a little bit of my own personal story. I just turned 50 like damn, that seems like an eye blink ago. I was 20, and I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life.
00:15:54:08 – 00:16:19:09
Dan Stewart
Mm hmm. 25 years ago, my girlfriend says, Hey, guess what? We’re having a baby. Like, Wow. Right? And so I did what so many people do. I sought out a career in sales because I needed income, and it didn’t really matter how I got it right. Like I wasn’t going to break the law or do anything too stupid, but I didn’t grow up saying, Oh, I want to sell stuff for a living.
00:16:20:03 – 00:16:42:00
Dan Stewart
And what I discovered in the pursuit of an income is that, you know, people who enter a sales career, the really entering a personal development plan like you cannot be great at sales until you get really good at working on yourself. There are few exceptions to that rule. I really believe that and I believe sales professionals are some of the best people in the world.
00:16:42:17 – 00:17:04:14
Dan Stewart
So, you know, if I can go from being like a waiter, bartender, dude with a pregnant girlfriend at age 25 to a guy who’s created multiple multimillion dollar companies like everything is possible sincerely, no matter who you are or what you’re doing right now. If I can do what I’ve done, you can certainly achieve what you want to achieve.
00:17:05:01 – 00:17:28:01
Dan Stewart
So, you know, I say all this not to impress you. And, you know, I show you this picture, not to impress you, but to impress upon you that really nothing is past you. And this is my horse farm here in Tampa. I am in this building right now. That’s where you’re seeing this broadcast. So, you know, back to the whole no B.S. stuff, right?
00:17:28:01 – 00:17:36:05
Dan Stewart
There are a lot of people on the Internet selling stuff and actually done what I’m teaching you to do today. So now we’re going to be dig in.
00:17:36:05 – 00:18:01:17
Daniel Ramsey
Okay, hold on. We just did a blog post, Beware of False Prophets, like literally last week. And based on a conversation that you and I had when we were setting up this call, we were talking about it, these fake guys on social media who’s never who’ve never done it, but they have great marketing. And what we’re sharing today is the actual, you know, framework for actually building a sustainable business.
00:18:01:17 – 00:18:16:17
Daniel Ramsey
And that’s the, you know, beware of those false prophets. So, yeah, I just I’m glad you’re here. I’m excited to dove into it. I’m really wondering what this whole question, conversation, relationship, opportunity, sales thing, I mean, I want to get into that because I’m like thinking.
00:18:17:22 – 00:18:18:07
Dan Stewart
Oh yeah.
00:18:19:06 – 00:18:25:24
Daniel Ramsey
I’m like, how do I incorporate questions into our hiring process? And anyways, keep going. I love this stuff.
00:18:26:05 – 00:18:55:13
Dan Stewart
Yeah, I’ll show you how to get there. So the first thing we have to do is recognize what recruitment really is. It’s a process of exit and arrival. All sales is the process of exit and arrival, so I’ll use myself as an example. I drive a 2014 Subaru and I love it. Best car I’ve ever had, right? I mean, I don’t think about getting another car ever.
00:18:55:13 – 00:19:16:17
Dan Stewart
So all the ads that are fired, I’m not susceptible to them. And then recently I had to pick up a friend at the airport. You know something I’m friends with, but I kind of wanted to impress a little bit, right? Yeah. If I can’t bring my house with me to the airport. Right. And so I had a moment of I might need a new car, right?
00:19:16:17 – 00:19:40:08
Dan Stewart
Ah, like I love this car, but, you know, I was fine. They’re absolutely fine with that car until something occurs and then I’m no longer there. Right? So that moment, that’s a signal from the universe that we’re all receiving that tells us when it’s time to change something. And, you know, some of us listen to those signals a little more loudly than others.
00:19:40:24 – 00:20:01:10
Dan Stewart
Some of us have the discipline to say, nope, I love my car. I’m not going to let what other people think impact. Right. So the point here is that there are agents in your marketplace right now who are super happy where they are and won’t even consider being recruited by you until they receive that signal from the universe.
00:20:01:22 – 00:20:24:04
Dan Stewart
You can’t rush that. That’s going to occur in their time. What you can do is build a relationship with them until such a time as they’re ready. Okay, so here’s a huge mistake. I see a lot of brokers make when they’re trying to recruit is they just send messaging. That’s all about them. It’s about their model. It’s about how much you could earn if you join them.
00:20:24:04 – 00:20:39:01
Dan Stewart
Yeah, and I’m not susceptible to a new car right now that doesn’t do me any good. Right. It would be much better for that broker to build a relationship ship with me so that when I am ready, they’re the person that I’m thinking of. Okay.
00:20:39:06 – 00:20:56:05
Daniel Ramsey
But the thing I think the challenge is that that’s a lot of hard work. What you’re talking about like that. I mean, building relationships when they’re not really ready to move. Like I think the thing that stops people from doing that is, you know, they don’t see an immediate return.
00:20:56:16 – 00:21:23:02
Dan Stewart
We’re going to make that part easy, I promise. Okay. So I have to do just a little bit more teaching here where the good stuff will make absolutely no sense. Okay? Okay. Go. Daniel, I’m going to get to, like, showing you exactly how it works, okay? But I’ve got to show you some other stuff here first, because, you know, I’m not the person who invented the idea that we should talk to people and build relationships with them before we sell stuff to them.
00:21:23:11 – 00:21:49:02
Dan Stewart
Right. That’s really simple. And when we’re talking about building a relationship over time, we have to understand that all of us are exposed to the same sorts of things over time. Plato wrote about this, okay, there’s there’s something called the Hero’s Journey that is so astute. It’s so smart when you consider how you’re going to communicate with people over time.
00:21:49:19 – 00:22:00:24
Dan Stewart
Okay, so I’m going to break this down. And since I’m a Star Wars fan, we’re going to use Star Wars as an example. We’ve got Luke here, right? You’ve seen Star Wars, Daniel. I presume we write everything.
00:22:00:24 – 00:22:01:06
Daniel Ramsey
00:22:01:23 – 00:22:25:24
Dan Stewart
Of course. Right. So? So we’ve got Luke, who’s on a sand planet. He’s a moisture farmer. He doesn’t love being there. Right. He’s received a signal from the air. He wants to do something else, but he doesn’t have a way to get there, right? He doesn’t have a way to access this new special world that he wants to be part of until something very important happens.
00:22:26:08 – 00:22:48:16
Dan Stewart
And that’s called the meeting with the mentor. Right. So you have a decision to make when you’re recruiting people. Like, are you going to be the hero of the story or are you going to be the guide, the mentor that gives the person you’re trying to recruit access to that new special world? Right. There’s there’s a distinct choice that has to be made there.
00:22:49:02 – 00:23:13:23
Dan Stewart
And from my perspective, there’s no mystery here. Like you are the guide, period. If I’m happy at the brokerage, I’m at the only reason I’m going to think of leaving is because I think I’ve got a better chance of achieving my goals with you than I do where I currently am. Right? You have to be the person who gives me access to this new special world that I want to be part of.
00:23:14:16 – 00:23:37:18
Dan Stewart
So, you know, we’re going to break this down just a little bit further because we’ve got to recruiting styles, you’ve got to Obi-Wan style. This is the person who recruited Luke, so to speak, and then departs from the story arc. They show up and then they’re gone. And a lot of my friends over at XP are Obi-Wan style recruiters, right?
00:23:37:19 – 00:23:59:06
Dan Stewart
They’re recruiting the model. Get you in the fold. You’re in my downline and now I’m moving on to the next one. And that’s a lot different than joining a team or working at a brokerage where you’re tucked under the wing of someone who’s going to actually guide you. You know, and we’ll contrast that with Luke, who’s more like the the small independent broker, right?
00:23:59:06 – 00:24:20:16
Dan Stewart
Luke is looking for people to go to battle with. Right. He is looking to add people to his team where they’re going to stay on mission together. Right. It’s a different approach. So, you know, if you’re an Obi-Wan star recruiter, that’s fine. But just know that that’s what you are. And and if you’re going to be on a mission with them, that’s great too.
00:24:20:22 – 00:24:32:19
Dan Stewart
You just have to know because having mixed signals here and sending a mixed message, it means that you just don’t make the progress you’d like to make. So does that make sense, Daniel? You found that all right.
00:24:33:09 – 00:25:00:17
Daniel Ramsey
Yeah. I’m in the process right now of recruiting somebody, and she was actually recruited to an Obi-Wan kind of style of business. And I’m definitely much more of a Luke style, like we’re going to go together and we’re going to go far and this is going to be fun, you know? So I absolutely get it. And I didn’t know that it mattered to have the two distinct shins until you just taught this piece of it.
00:25:01:09 – 00:25:26:11
Dan Stewart
Yeah. See, a lot of a lot of people make a mistake. Like if you’re that and you put yourself in the mindset of that small independent broker. Yeah. You know, every day you have people popping up who are saying, I’ll charge you less fees. Right, right. We’re I’ll have more leads. Or, you know, I’m with a national brand or I’ve got a downline that will make you a multimillionaire.
00:25:26:13 – 00:25:52:15
Dan Stewart
Right? I mean, whatever those stories are, those are all things that you have to compete against and your relationship with them. You know, as a Luke in their life is what’s going to make them invisible, is going to make those other brokers invisible to your agents. The quality of that relationship that you have. Right. You know, like the old saw with recruitment is you’ve got to recruit and you’ve got to retain.
00:25:54:09 – 00:26:16:22
Dan Stewart
You guys all know that the place you struggle is what it’s an understanding exactly what you need to do in order to recruit and in order to retain. So this is where we’re going to walk you through the process that we’ll do that. So right time to buckle up and actually do some work. A lot of webinars, you just sit there, it’s passive and then somebody is trying to sell you something at the end.
00:26:16:22 – 00:26:46:02
Dan Stewart
The only thing I’m trying to sell you is on a process that you can implement yourselves and get results with. So I want you to use this. Whether you ever work with me or not is besides the point. So we’re going to start with four critical questions. And the first question that you’ve really got to identify is who right now as a serial entrepreneur, we always look at this as a customer avatar, like what does this person think?
00:26:46:02 – 00:27:08:07
Dan Stewart
What are they worried about, like when they’re trying to go to bed at night? What’s that conversation they’re having with themselves when they’re driving down the road? You know, what’s that internal conversation that that’s going on in their brain? We want to try to understand just as much about who it is you’re trying to attract as possible before we start sending a message to them.
00:27:09:00 – 00:27:43:09
Dan Stewart
So for example, let’s say I run a really tech forward brokerage and we’re cutting edge. We’ve got, you know, every bell and whistle, every shiny object. We really need people who are familiar with and fluent with technology and can leverage it. Like that’s what we’re looking for. Well, if I send that message to a bunch of people whose hair matches mine that aren’t comfortable with technology, like I can have the best message in the world, but if I’m sending it to the wrong people, it won’t do its job for you, right?
00:27:44:01 – 00:28:11:24
Dan Stewart
So when you are absolutely certain of who the right fit is for your brokerage, that gives you something that’s really valuable and that’s unshakable confidence. Right. The reason that I want you to go through that process of knowing who is so when the wrong person shows up, you can point towards the door. You don’t want to bring the wrong person in and upset your culture and a more of a problem than they’re worth, right?
00:28:12:00 – 00:28:42:21
Dan Stewart
Yeah. You know, I’ll tell you, as a guy who once ran a contracting company where, you know, one contract we could take in would be what we might focus on for two years. Oftentimes, the very best contracts we ever had were the ones we avoided. Right. So, you know, there’s a lot to be said about knowing who you want because that unshakable confidence lets you push the wrong people away and it lets you pull the right people towards you much more quickly.
00:28:42:21 – 00:29:11:01
Dan Stewart
Right. Because when you know that they’re right, they’re going to sense that certainty within you. It’s going to be attractive to them. So super, super important to do that. And then, of course, we’ll move from that into where we actually need to be to find these people. So this is you you if you think of it like a a military campaign, like every general is going to assess the terrain in which the battle takes place.
00:29:11:01 – 00:29:43:10
Dan Stewart
Right. Right. Right. So, you know, this this is actual physical terrain in many cases. And in other cases, it’s virtual terrain. So I have a lot of clients who are recruiting national or international really isn’t a geographical restriction where they want to get these people. Sometimes it’s a cycle, logical terrain. You know, we want people who believe some things or who are certain of some things, and we’ll use that terrain match to get these people.
00:29:43:17 – 00:30:08:01
Daniel Ramsey
So what I think I want to just point here because and ask you a question, is this also a market timing? Because I think we’re in a really unique time frame in our history where, you know, 15, 20% unemployment. There are some talent out there that if you’re an entrepreneur who has a big $400 million sales goal, now’s the time to pull those guys into your world.
00:30:08:01 – 00:30:13:00
Daniel Ramsey
So I’m curious if terrain also kind of talks about market timing?
00:30:14:01 – 00:30:40:02
Dan Stewart
Well, no, that’s really more in the messaging. So here’s something I believe in. Teach like we all have some things about our businesses, about ourselves, even that are huge. Like they’re constant, like it’s our spine, it’s our foundation. No matter what the market does, those things are still going to be true. Right? Right. So we need a plan that communicates those things effectively over time, no matter what.
00:30:40:02 – 00:31:08:06
Dan Stewart
And then we have to supplement that communication chain with things that are happening now so none of us can predict what’s going to happen a week from now, a month from now, three months from now. So we have to expect to be able to plug in the right content as part of our communication chain. So to me, a market condition would be something that gets handled then rather than something that’s a core foundational element of our communication plan.
00:31:08:24 – 00:31:09:23
Daniel Ramsey
Okay, makes sense.
00:31:11:12 – 00:31:46:10
Dan Stewart
So when we talk about terrain, it’s really about figuring out where to go get people. Okay, so we’ll use Obi Wan here as an example. When he was looking for his Luke, where was he? You know, he wasn’t hanging out at the bar, right. He was in a place where someone might need to be rescued from something. Okay, so there’s a lesson here, because if you can build a relationship with someone, if you can start that process by giving them a solution to something that really bothers them, wow.
00:31:46:10 – 00:32:11:10
Dan Stewart
That bonds you. I mean, that they’re like always going to think highly of you. It sets you in a much greater position right from the start by effective sales, effective recruitment. It has a lot to do with positioning. So that’s the reason that we look for things that they’re struggling with, that we can rescue them from. And then, of course, once we’ve shown up and we’re rescuing them from that, we have to have a plan to take them somewhere.
00:32:11:21 – 00:32:39:21
Dan Stewart
Okay, so let’s let’s break this time. We use some real world examples here. Yep. Like sick of something recently here. I have some friends at h.r. Houston Association of realtors. And recently there was a covid amendment that was created and added to contracts and that created a heck of a lot of questions like what do we do with our contracts that are already pended?
00:32:40:08 – 00:33:04:05
Dan Stewart
Like, what does this really mean? How do we respond if this then that like new. It was a new thing that created a lot of issues for people. So that’s the sort of thing that you can recognize and you can start conversations about, okay. So I would just encourage you guys to like take a moment and think about what are the things that our agents in your market are struggling with.
00:33:05:07 – 00:33:29:17
Dan Stewart
Those are things you can rescue them from. Where’s their pain? You can go greet them at their pain and you’ll be ready to take them in a better position. So love it when it comes to terrain, there’s another component here that it’s important to discuss because we’ve got all sorts of different ways that you can meet people, right?
00:33:29:17 – 00:33:54:13
Dan Stewart
I mean, some of you might advertise if you’ve got a job advertisement out there and people are replying to it. There’s certainly one way that you can recruit people. A lot of our clients in the real estate space, they generate lists. You know, you can pull them from your association, from the board, from the MLS, you can pull them from tools like broker metrics or the showing time broker tools.
00:33:55:04 – 00:34:17:13
Dan Stewart
Right. And I actually I’m a huge advocate for this, right. Because, you know, if if I have done the work to say, I know I can help an agent who’s doing between three and 5 million a year get to 7 to 10 million using a tool like broker metrics or the show in time broker tools to pull a list of agents who are currently performing in that band.
00:34:17:24 – 00:34:42:14
Dan Stewart
That gives me, you know, a great start in pursuing a relationship with them, right? So yeah, the more we know about the person who’s going to be reading our messaging, the better job we can do at creating a conversation with them. And sure. So I want you to imagine that you’re this broker. You’ve pulled a list of people, and now it’s time to communicate with them.
00:34:43:10 – 00:35:09:00
Dan Stewart
Here’s a mistake that a lot of brokers will make. They’ll they’ll build a HTML email that argues for why their brokerage is the best. And it’ll say something like, We’re now we’ve got room for more agents. Like, Yeah, if you’re interested in making a change, come join us right. And that’s the sort of message that may work if you just happen to get it in front of someone who’s ready to make a change.
00:35:10:10 – 00:35:38:05
Dan Stewart
Those are really odds. And I like to play the small odds. I like to win. So the way that we’re going to win is we’re going to start a conversation with that person that’s going to build a relationship that is going to make sure they come and join us when it’s time. Okay. So instead of trying to just patch a Band-Aid and get people to join us today, we’re going to build a system that makes sure we can attract the right people over time, such that we can achieve any sort of recruitment goal.
00:35:38:19 – 00:36:00:20
Dan Stewart
And I’ll show you some examples here where we’ve actually helped agents and brokerages do that. Okay. Before we do that, though, I do want to to really drive home a point about when you have a list here, you have to have a strategy for first contact. Okay. I told you what’s wrong. That HTML email about why your brokerage is great.
00:36:00:20 – 00:36:27:08
Dan Stewart
Don’t start right. The right approach would be to ask them a question. Just engage them in conversation. So, you know, Daniel, if you’re on my list of people that I might recruit because of your performance, I have some options here. Right. I can I can congratulate you. That’s a really good thing to do. Like, here’s three common things that you can reach out and start a conversation about.
00:36:28:03 – 00:36:54:05
Dan Stewart
Once you know what their status is, you can congratulate them about that. You can mention that, hey, there’s this change that’s taking place. I’m curious what your thoughts are. Right? You can grab congrats really people who are already with you. And this is a huge thing to do for retention. Let’s imagine that agent in your office who’s been in the business for two years, they’ve only closed three transactions.
00:36:54:16 – 00:37:16:02
Dan Stewart
They’re, you know, kind of in, kind of out. But they’ve recently made a commitment to make this their career and they just got four deals under contract, like, wow, you can tell that story and a message. You can lift them up to their peers in the community. So, you know, please join me in congratulating Daniel. I’m so proud of the work he’s done and I know he’s going to have a great career here.
00:37:16:11 – 00:37:37:19
Dan Stewart
And I mean, isn’t it amazing to know that two years in, he was almost out of the business and now he’s got four deals that are pending. So proud, awesome. Like that makes him feel fantastic and it makes the person reading that go. What did they do to get four deals pended? Like, Hmm, I wonder if I’m at the right place.
00:37:38:01 – 00:38:09:16
Dan Stewart
Right? So that’s a strategy to start a conversation with someone who has no idea who you are. Then of course, you have to have a strategy to keep that conversation going. And for that, you need a blueprint, right? You need a mapped out plan of what’s going to be said to whom, when that’s the purpose of building this communication plan for people you’re trying to recruit so that you can just start people on the plan and you know that it’s going to run through the steps with them over time.
00:38:10:08 – 00:38:27:21
Dan Stewart
So, you know, when you do this, when you put these sort of things in place, the goal here is not for people to like come back to your website and fill out a form. The goal is for those people to pick up a call, pick up a phone and call you. Right. We want them to schedule an appointment with you.
00:38:28:02 – 00:38:37:09
Dan Stewart
Right. With ten a career night. Like you’ve got to have a clear understanding of what the goal is and then we can build a messaging to create that.
00:38:38:01 – 00:39:03:13
Daniel Ramsey
So this blueprint looks really, really detailed and I feel like this might be some of the best value in the conversation because most brokerages, most businesses don’t have a mapped out plan for their communication strategy when it comes to talent. They kind of half put something together the night before the email supposed to go out. You know what I mean?
00:39:03:19 – 00:39:04:02
Daniel Ramsey
Oh, my.
00:39:04:02 – 00:39:06:00
Dan Stewart
God. Somebody just left. We got to recruit.
00:39:06:13 – 00:39:28:06
Daniel Ramsey
Yeah, exactly. Or, you know, we’ve gone through incredible growth, and I have more leads than I know what to do with. And my internal staff is busy. That’s probably my story, actually. So we have a are you willing to give that blueprint away to this group? Because we have a question, of course.
00:39:28:06 – 00:39:51:00
Dan Stewart
Okay. I mean, we’re here to help, right? Daniel said at the beginning his highest value is service. Yes. I mean, not only do we have the same name, my brother. Right, but like, yeah, absolutely. We’ll give that away and we’ll give our time away, too. I mean, we’re going to create a lot of questions here. We’re starting you on a process.
00:39:51:00 – 00:40:01:09
Dan Stewart
If you need help getting to the end of the process, just book a tour with us. You know, we’ll have one of our coaches go through and solve these problems with you for your specific situation.
00:40:02:04 – 00:40:19:01
Daniel Ramsey
Yep. What we’ll do is we’ll put a link to getting the recruitment blueprint in the Facebook group. So if you’re live with us right now, you’ll just have to jump on the my out us Facebook or book a consultation with Happy Grasshopper. But we’ll get this to you one way or another.
00:40:19:01 – 00:40:37:17
Dan Stewart
SWEET Thank you for that, Daniel. I’m going to break down this blueprint here in a bit more detail for you, because there’s there’s a few components here that are really important. You’ve got your data, right? Yep. Who you’re going, who you’re going after. You’ve got to have the list there and then you’ve got to have that communication plan.
00:40:37:17 – 00:41:00:15
Dan Stewart
So we’re breaking this into initial messaging and then some positioning content, and then that’s followed with long term nurturing content. So we’ve got your initial message. These two blocks are ongoing positioning and then long term nurturing. So let’s talk about what the goals are here in an initial message. You’ve got to change the content according to how you’re meeting this person.
00:41:01:03 – 00:41:23:07
Dan Stewart
If there’s someone who already knows you, it’s a different message than if they’re a total stranger, right? Yeah. If they come to your career night, it’s a different message. If they’ve just got their license and they don’t even have a broker yet, it’s a different. Yes. So the way you’re starting here is really important. And then there’s some core things about you that don’t change.
00:41:23:20 – 00:41:53:07
Dan Stewart
These are the things you believe in, right? This is where you’re telling your story. You’re arguing for things you believe in, your planning, your flag in the ground and saying these are the things I would defend and what you’ll find is that when you’re sharing these things the right way, it works like a magnet. It attracts the right people to you, the people who have that same belief or who will see you as someone who’s aspirational, someone they would think to be.
00:41:53:19 – 00:42:11:13
Daniel Ramsey
Okay, I got to slow you down here because I think this is probably the most important defining piece of the conversation. How do you help people who are just because we’re all hides and high eyes were driven by, you know, how do I make more money? How do I build a bigger business or how do I help more people?
00:42:11:13 – 00:42:21:04
Daniel Ramsey
Right. That’s kind of our and you saw, you know, in the beginning, how do you help somebody talk about their flag and really craft that? What does that look like? What’s that process look like?
00:42:21:18 – 00:42:42:12
Dan Stewart
That’s a really smart question because, you know, I might be really great you know, in the moment I start to write how great I am, I feel like a total tool. Yes. Yes. We all have that kind of blind spot. It’s really hard to write about what we love about ourselves, because I see that as a sentence. It’s just it’s awkward and nasty.
00:42:42:22 – 00:43:02:06
Dan Stewart
So what has to really take place is a transfer of knowledge from people who are already with you to people who might choose to be with you. So we need to find out what it is that agents who are with you love about being with you and the stories. That’s what needs to take place in the positioning area.
00:43:02:22 – 00:43:27:03
Dan Stewart
So very similar to the way we would advise a client to convert more Internet leads. Right. Let’s communicate to that lead what your past clients love about you. That’s a lot different than, you know, I’m a true professional, a great negotiator, and I really care. I’ll treat you like anything that doesn’t go very far. That’s those are platitudes.
00:43:27:14 – 00:43:51:01
Dan Stewart
If you want to really make the impact, you’ve got to tell a story, right? So, you know, recently there was an agent in my office who was struggling and they said this and that use that as an example to tell them that you really provide a lot of great training, don’t they great training, give examples and then show them how that great training has improved the life of people who are already with you.
00:43:52:05 – 00:43:53:14
Dan Stewart
That’s what makes a difference.
00:43:54:06 – 00:44:07:20
Daniel Ramsey
So interesting because there’s so many parallels to generating just regular business leads and generating, you know, talent leads. There’s just such a great parallel. And when you make that mind shift, I think, you know, it becomes easier.
00:44:08:09 – 00:44:44:07
Dan Stewart
Yeah, it’s I mean, if we’re all walking around in the same flash, right, where people at the end of the day and as people, if we’re asked questions, will generally respond, right, that’s a great way to engage us in conversation. So whether we’re trying to convert an Internet lead to get a home sold or we’re trying to get an agent away from where they are to join us and asking them the right questions is the first step, because that leads to the conversation, which relates to the relationship, which leads to the opportunity, which leads to the sale.
00:44:44:12 – 00:45:08:08
Dan Stewart
Right. So we’ll build that ladder for you again. Now here at the bottom you capture reply like the whole thing that we’re trying to do here in the positioning phase is start that conversation. And based on that, it’s going to go in different directions. But the goal is always to set that initial meeting. It all traces back to that.
00:45:09:03 – 00:45:24:11
Dan Stewart
So, you know, what I’m an expert at is building content that starts conversations. Yeah, I will never build an AI chat bot to have the conversation for you because there’s no one who’s more equipped to do that than you are. Like you have to show up to do that part.
00:45:25:11 – 00:45:49:04
Daniel Ramsey
I love it, guys. We’re we’re about five, 10 minutes away from wrapping up this. There’s a lot of opportunity to ask questions around this conversation. We’ve got Dan here. Let’s keep going. But I want to just poke. We only have 5 minutes left with this brilliant man, so let’s use his talent. And if you have a question, throw it in the chat or in the Facebook Live post and we’ll get it to him.
00:45:49:19 – 00:45:54:14
Daniel Ramsey
Dan, what’s what what should we cover next in the next five, 10 minutes?
00:45:54:24 – 00:46:31:06
Dan Stewart
I think I need to show you guys some examples. Yeah. We’re going to talk about some case studies here. I have a client named Allison Gaddis. She’s in Austin, Texas, and she’s with the XP. Right. So you see her trip is now she’s an Obi-Wan. And the permission, the thing this is all about is personal freedom. Right now, we’ve done a heck of a job helping her recruit people and we’ve been able to do that because we’re able to understand what it is she’s actually doing herself and how that story is compelling to people that attracted.
00:46:31:20 – 00:47:03:17
Dan Stewart
So, yeah, I’ll give you a little bit more detail here. She’s not out for just everybody. She’s not interested in attracting everybody. She’s narrowed her focus to where she wants people that are high producing teams. She wants to bring the whole team over, not just to hear their right. So it’s a really interesting approach. Next example I’ll give this is one of my favorites in real estate there in Edmonton, Canada, and this is Sarah and Sheldon.
00:47:03:18 – 00:47:26:13
Dan Stewart
They’re the principals there. And I promise you that if you met these guys and hung out with them, you’d be like, I could live in Canada, I could do that. And they’re that awesome, right? That you just want to like really consider moving to Canada just to work with them. Yeah. Yeah. And what we did with them was really neat because they are definitely look style.
00:47:26:16 – 00:47:48:22
Dan Stewart
Like they’re looking for people they can go into battle with, right. And what they’re out for is helping you achieve your lifestyle goals. Like they’ve built a real culture that’s super cool. This is their office it’s the kind of place where you could just, like, hang out and shoot pool. But the culture there doesn’t let that happen. Like, this is where you celebrate something.
00:47:49:06 – 00:48:11:06
Dan Stewart
It’s not where you just show up and hang out. They’ve got a very high producing office culture there, and because they’re so good, like they’ve got this great reputation, they generate a ton of leads. It was really easy to help them achieve their goals. We had we met their annual recruitment goal and just two months, which was really fun.
00:48:11:06 – 00:48:39:10
Dan Stewart
And now I’ll just I’ll show you one more here to give you guys an idea that the way things can scale differently. Sure, there’s a brokerage we serve in Northern Virginia called Pearson Smith. Eric Pearson’s one of the principals there. And they have a really neat model, right? Because it’s a hybrid. So you can you could be a 100% commission with them or you could be like 5050 where they’re holding your hand and helping you through every single thing.
00:48:39:10 – 00:49:12:08
Dan Stewart
So they they joined us back in 2013 and they actually use Happy Grasshopper, not just for recruitment, but every agent. When you join Pearson Smith, you get a happy grasshopper count. So, you know, the reason I bring that up is because we’ve talked so much about the recruitment side. We haven’t talked a lot about the retention side. So one of the things I love to do is provide a broker, a tool that’s branded for them that the agent can’t get anywhere else.
00:49:12:11 – 00:49:16:17
Dan Stewart
Right. So that that really helps them hang on to people over time.
00:49:17:09 – 00:49:37:11
Daniel Ramsey
So what is the what is the technology part of the recruitment process in your mind? And I think I think we need to wrap up with probably answering that question. And also how get a hold of you. And if you’re listening, we want to give away a book. So we’ve we’ve got our free book that I always give away every single time we do one of these things.
00:49:37:19 – 00:50:08:23
Daniel Ramsey
If you’re interested in scaling your business, we with virtual professionals, our virtual assistants, you can just text SVP. So Sam, Victor, Paul 231996 and it’s a really cool book, right? Dan And so I love it. But here’s the point. If you’re thinking about hiring or leverage or you want to hire a virtual assistant, it’s 120 pages, the easiest read in the world, and it’ll give you every single thing you need to know about actually getting a virtual assistant.
00:50:08:23 – 00:50:30:09
Daniel Ramsey
That’s what we do here at my desk. But let’s end with the technol ology piece of the recruitment process, because Happy Grasshopper is actually a platform, a communication platform, and that’s what’s really we want to make sure that everybody realizes if you took everything that you learned today with from then, you’d still need somehow to deliver those messages out.
00:50:30:09 – 00:50:33:05
Daniel Ramsey
So I think that’s a good spot to kind of wrap us up and then.
00:50:33:15 – 00:51:02:09
Dan Stewart
Go having having the content is great. That’s wonderful. What you really need is a way to send the content that is multitouch and multichannel. So the system that we built sends email, voice mail, drops text messaging, and we even write and deliver handwritten cards. So, you know, every segment of the database, whether it’s recruitment or lead conversion or your past clients and sphere and your contacts, should have a communication plan.
00:51:02:23 – 00:51:24:09
Dan Stewart
Yeah, right. Like I might catch a lead and respond via text immediately, follow it with a voice mail drop, follow it with an email. I might have a personal meeting with someone and send a handwritten card out automatically just right from our system where it really hit off. And all you have to do is collect the replies and have those conversations.
00:51:24:12 – 00:51:44:20
Dan Stewart
So I see a question from Diane here. Yes, it’s talking about encouraging people through culture, and your example is workplace. How would that work now that most people are working remotely or from home? I love it. That’s great. So, I mean, that’s a great Segway all the way back to the beginning here because this is the big time of change, right?
00:51:45:04 – 00:52:09:09
Dan Stewart
So here we are on Zoom right now, having this meeting. Now, for ten years, I’ve had a company wide meeting every Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. Like everybody shows up, whether it’s a virtual meeting, whether it’s a physical face to face meeting, it doesn’t really make that much difference. Right? Zoom is great for having these sorts of shared open experiences.
00:52:10:05 – 00:52:44:13
Dan Stewart
I would strongly suggest you consider having some water cooler type spaces within your technology where people can get together and hang out. We slack for that and happy grasshopper. So, you know, every employee in the company has their slack account. We use Facebook groups for that. Like we have a great Facebook group at slash groups slash what to say now where any agent or broker can go there and ask a question about how to word something or how to overcome the communication problem.
00:52:45:00 – 00:53:09:00
Dan Stewart
And our writing staff gets in there and answer those questions. And you know, the last thing, Diane, here that I really want to drive this point home with is that despite the fact that we’re together physically less frequently, we’re still human beings, we still have that need for connection. So we’ve got to leverage technology that lets us have that connection.
00:53:10:01 – 00:53:28:14
Dan Stewart
We need to pick up the phone more frequently. We need to talk to people. We need to, you know, get to be expert at that two minute phone call. Hey, I’ve only got a couple of minutes. Daniel just wanted to reach out and say, How are you, brother? It’s good to hear your voice. Yeah, like, you know, it’s like a little, little, little.
00:53:29:02 – 00:53:34:24
Dan Stewart
You’ve got to keep feeding the the machine there. You got to keep putting your coins in that till it’s important to them.
00:53:35:16 – 00:54:00:02
Daniel Ramsey
Well, Diane brings up a question. I mean, we we should talk little bit about the recruiting virtually as we wrap up. So what what do you feel besides more frequent conversation, maybe in doing video Zoom meetings in the recruitment process, what have you had to change? Because you can’t do a coffee or you can’t, you know, have people come to your office?
00:54:00:02 – 00:54:03:12
Daniel Ramsey
What, what, what what have you changed in the process for for your clients?
00:54:04:07 – 00:54:29:16
Dan Stewart
Well, so let’s talk about the coffee meeting. Right. Because I’m I’m in Tampa, Florida, right now. And I swear, looking outside and walking around in the world, no one’s heard of coronavirus. It’s I mean, it’s absolutely nuts. And and I know from our member community, like some of you guys are super comfortable with that. Others are terrified of it.
00:54:29:19 – 00:54:52:20
Dan Stewart
Right? Right. So the first thing you’re going to have to do is have your sensory acuity turned up to stun. Like you don’t want to pressure that person who doesn’t feel comfortable to meet you for coffee. Right. You need to give them some latitude to have a voice and how you might get together. And and it really gives you an opportunity to solve that problem together, right?
00:54:53:13 – 00:55:03:15
Dan Stewart
So I’d love to have a chat with you about this. Daniel Normally I’d say, Hey, let’s just meet for coffee, but it’s a new world. You know what? What’s convenient for you? How would you like to get together? Right?
00:55:03:15 – 00:55:35:13
Daniel Ramsey
Yeah. And then offer them a couple options. We can do face time. We could do a zoom call or we could meet at the park and maybe do a walk. One of my favorite things during this whole time frame is I just have people meet at our office and then we go for a walk around the park and you keep that distance and you still get to have that closeness, you know, even though, you know, all of our 1200 people are fully remote working from their home, there’s still that opportunity to get together and spend a little bit of time with people.
00:55:35:19 – 00:55:40:02
Daniel Ramsey
Well, Dan, we’re wrapping up. Oh, we’re not wrapping up. You had a point.
00:55:40:12 – 00:56:02:10
Dan Stewart
And I ask you a question, actually. I mean, okay, my out desk, you guys have been virtual from day one. Like I mean, this is no joke. So there’s probably no one better to answer those questions of how to create a sense of community for a remote workforce than you. Yeah, I think. And by the way, for what it’s worth, guys, I am a mai out desk customer.
00:56:02:16 – 00:56:24:00
Dan Stewart
Okay? So when we hired our folks through my out desk, we went through a process that involved a virtual interview. We scheduled the appointments. You know, I put them through some paces to make sure they could communicate in a way that was appropriate for a brand like you. You know exactly what to do in this situation. It’s been your process for years.
00:56:24:00 – 00:56:51:15
Daniel Ramsey
So yeah, yeah. You know, we just move the most people move the face to face interview at the end of the process. We just move it closer to the beginning. And that I mean, I know that sounds weird, but when you’re recruiting somebody and you’re vert you’re fully virtual, meaning we’ve hired 6000 people over 13 years, what you want to do is you want to speed up that engagement.
00:56:51:15 – 00:57:20:16
Daniel Ramsey
So in the talent acquisition world, which is a world that we’re in, the speed to lead is still the biggest influence of success. And so for us, that speed, the first conversation and that speed they apply to, we do an interview. That’s the metric that that determines success. And so we have I mean, thousands and thousands of face to face interviews every single month.
00:57:21:00 – 00:57:43:13
Daniel Ramsey
The thing the reason we had you here is because your your messaging is just so superb. It’s like the really the best in your process for getting them. And the thing that we do is we’re a fully remote company, so Slack’s a great tool. Zoom’s a great tool. I love internal Facebook groups are we’re in there all the time doing I’m doing a lot of live videos like once a Week.
00:57:43:13 – 00:57:56:19
Daniel Ramsey
I’m doing a live video for our team. We have weekly meetings where we do breakout sessions. I mean, communicate, communicate, communicate is the is the measure right now and that includes it with your talent pool.
00:57:58:10 – 00:57:58:21
Dan Stewart
00:57:59:09 – 00:58:00:06
Daniel Ramsey
That’s my answer.
00:58:00:07 – 00:58:02:10
Dan Stewart
Miami. Daniel, I really appreciate it.
00:58:02:22 – 00:58:04:20
Daniel Ramsey
Yeah, man, it’s been great.
00:58:04:20 – 00:58:08:11
Dan Stewart
Always happy to help. So if there’s anything I can ever do for you guys, don’t be shy.
00:58:09:11 – 00:58:22:23
Daniel Ramsey
Okay, so how how does somebody. Should we just go to Happy Grasshopper CYBERCOM the forward slash tool to get to kind of go deeper. If somebody wanted the process or some messaging or to see your technology, is that the best way to do that?
00:58:23:05 – 00:58:51:11
Dan Stewart
That’s the best way to do it. So like, here’s a core belief. This is why I’m asking you to go to that link. I’m not a believer in one size fits all messaging, right? What works for an aggregate of our members is not going to be great for you. Right? I think we have to we have to recognize that the one size fits all content approach has been tried and it just doesn’t work.
00:58:51:17 – 00:59:16:14
Dan Stewart
I mean, look at any CRM system. It’s got stale content in it that’s so watered down it’s not right for anyone. Like it’s instantly ignored the minute it arrives anywhere. So if we’re going to cut through that clutter, we’ve got to do it by getting to know you and creating content unique to you. So that’s why I ask people to go to that link, because the process starts by talking to one of our business coaches.
00:59:16:14 – 00:59:35:01
Dan Stewart
You know, we can learn enough about you to figure out whether or not we can actually help you. That’s important. Like if we can, we do this right and then we can build that roadmap for you, build that communication plan, that blueprint that’s going to produce the results that you’re looking for.
00:59:35:11 – 00:59:57:18
Daniel Ramsey
So there you go. All right, Dan Stuart, happy, happy grasshopper. Thanks for your time today. I really appreciate you. If if you stuck to the end, get a copy or a book. Text 319 or RSVP to 31996. You’ll get a free electronic copy of Scaling Your Business with virtual professionals. Dan, thanks again for joining us.
00:59:58:09 – 00:59:59:06
Dan Stewart
My pleasure, Daniel.
00:59:59:10 – 01:00:02:06
Daniel Ramsey
Take care of, I guess.