BlogHiringWhat Can a Virtual Executive Assistant Do for Me?

What Can a Virtual Executive Assistant Do for Me?

This article explains what a virtual executive assistant (VEA) is and how they can help businesses save time and increase productivity. It covers the various tasks that VEAs can handle, such as scheduling, email management, data entry, research, and customer service. The article also includes tips on how to hire and manage a VEA effectively.

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happy woman at laptop what can a virtual executive assistant do for me

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Maximizing your productivity is essential to running a successful business. Sometimes, though, you have to devise unconventional ways to do so.

Hiring a virtual executive assistant has the potential to drastically increase your company’s efficiency, but many entrepreneurs don’t know everything they should about how they can help.

Let’s take a look at everything you should keep in mind.


As you might guess, a virtual assistant can seamlessly handle all of your scheduling obligations. This includes setting and confirming appointments, coordinating calls, and conveying schedule changes to both you and other parties.

When tasked with this responsibility, a virtual assistant will ensure that you are fully aware of any upcoming meetings or interactions. This is particularly useful for entrepreneurs who frequently meet with clients, stakeholders, investors, etc.

Contact Management

Many entrepreneurs simply do not have the time to communicate with the people that they need to. Unfortunately, this could result in a large number of missed business opportunities.

Your virtual assistant will vigilantly monitor for relevant emails and forward them to you. A client inquiry that requires your attention, for example, will be promptly sent to you as soon as your assistant receives it.

Additionally, they will add your business contacts to customer relationship management (CRM) software. They will also periodically organize your CRM application based on certain criteria, such as new clients who need extra attention, your highest-paying business relationships, etc.

This will allow you to ensure that all of your client obligations are accounted for.

Internal Operations

Depending on what industry you operate in, your company’s internal operations will vary compared to others. Regardless, a virtual assistant will make these obligations far easier to handle.

Responsibilities such as proofreading documents, organizing essential files, or even setting up a project management system are all something an experienced virtual assistant can easily handle. Additionally, your assistant could review meetings or presentations that you were unable to attend and provide you with a synopsis.


While a virtual executive assistant likely won’t be able to replace your company’s accounting department, they can help make everyone’s lives easier. To elaborate, they can ensure that timely invoices are sent to the appropriate party.

If necessary, your assistant will be responsible for securing outstanding payments if clients are proactive in compensating you for your services. They can also review your company transactions to ensure that everything has been adequately documented.

Keep this in mind if you often experience difficulty when it comes to financial management.

A Virtual Executive Assistant Could Be Just What You Are Looking for

So, it’s essential that you keep the utility they’re able to offer in mind. The above information will help ensure that you choose the virtual executive assistant that fits your company best and helps you maximize your productivity.

Want to learn more about what we have to offer? Feel free to reach out to us today and see how we can help.

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Dan Trujillo

Dan, based in Sacramento, California, has over 5 years of experience copywriting for the virtual assistant industry. He produces content for social media, blogs, case studies, and publications with MyOutDesk.

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